  • 學位論文


A Study of Internal Factors of New Product Success on Fire Safe Material Industry

指導教授 : 謝龍發


影響新產品開發成功的相關因素相當多,主要分為兩個構面,競爭環境造成的因素與公司內部環境造成的因素。而在公司內部環境中存在三個因素與新產品發展過程有極大正相關,分別是部門間的整合程度、技術綜效及行銷綜效。本研究嘗試精煉上述三個因素,分別以行銷&研發部門整合、研發強度及市場導向三者來代表。並將研究焦點放在: (1) 企業在行銷&研發部門整合程度對新產品開發成功所造成的影響,與 (2) 企業之研發強度對新產品開發成功所造成的影響,及 (3) 企業之市場導向對新產品開發成功所造成的影響。 基於這樣的目的,本研究以因應法令改變而持續進行新產品開發活動的台灣防火材料產業為研究對象,同時採取個案訪談與問卷調查的方式進行資料收集,共寄出 112 份電子問卷,回收有效問卷 61 份,經由回歸分析法來分析實証資料對研究假設模型的支持程度,使用的統計軟體為 SPSS。研究主要的發現為: 1. 行銷&研發部門整合對新產品開發成功具有正向影響,數據並顯示跨部門合作比跨部門互動有更顯著的影響。企業應該加強行銷&研發部門合作關係,並藉由雙方的合作及互動將顧客意見帶入新產品開發循環,並共同分享創意、資訊及資源以達成目標,並提昇新產品開發成功機會。 2. 研發強度對新產品開發成功具有正向影響,顯示企業必須同時加強研發強度及研發管理能力,和智慧財產權的保護。由於研發強度將重塑企業的價值,因此企業的成長須將重心置於研究發展。而最直接即是反應在研發投入經費佔銷售額的比率上,企業應加強研發強度,以增加新產品開發成功機率。 3. 市場導向對新產品開發成功具有正向影響,顯示企業在採取市場導向時,必須非常小心謹慎。部門間協調、競爭者導向、顧客導向,都能幫助企業增加新產品開發成功機會。尤其,以部門間協調對企業的新產品開發成功效果最為顯著。


There are many structural factors affecting new product success. Two main causing factors are in existence in the competitive environment and company’s internal environment. In the company’s internal environment, three factors, namely cross-functional integration, technological synergy and marketing synergy, are favorably correlated with the new product development process. This research tries to refine the above three factors respectively into the integration of the marketing & research development(R&D), the R&D intensity and the marketing orientation, whose study focuses on: (1) influence on the integration of marketing and R&D in the enterprise versus new product success, (2) influence on the R&D intensity versus new product success, and (3) influence on the marketing orientation in the enterprise versus new product success. Based on such purposes, this research focuses on development activities of new products constant changes by the requirement of the law in the fire safe material industry in Taiwan, conducting preliminary field interviews and a comprehensive theoretical literature review in order to build the conceptual model of research. We developed questionnare and conducted a subsequent survey. We e-mailed 112 questionnaires and received 61 valid questionnaires. The regression analyses were conducted to verify the data to study the support of the supporting degree of the hypothetical models, and the SPSS statistic software was used. The findings of the research are: 1. The integration of the marketing and R&D departments has a positive impact on new product success. The data reveal the cross-department cooperation is more distinctive in its influence than the cross-functional interaction. The enterprise should enhance the cooperation of the marketing and R&D functions, bring the customers’ suggestions through mutual cooperation and interaction into the cycled developments of a new product, share creativities, information and resources to attain goals and increase possibility of new product success. 2. The R&D intensity has a positive impact on new product success, showing the enterprise has to enhance the R&D intensity and the R&D management and the protection of the intellectual property. Because the R&D intensity will reshape the enterprise value, so the growth of the enterprise has to focus on the research and development. And the most direct way is to response to the R&D budget ratio. The enterprise, thus, should enhance R&D intensity to increase possibility of new product success. 3. The marketing orientation has a positive impact on new product success. It reveals that enterpriges require extreme carefulness when these companies choose marketing orientation. Interfunctional coordination, competitor orientation, and customer orientation can help enterprise increase the possibility of new product success, especially the interfunctional coordination is strikingly distinctive for new product success in the enterprise.


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