  • 學位論文

團隊成員人格特質組合對團隊效能影響之研究 — 以團隊互動過程為中介變項

The Effect of Personality Composition on Team Effectiveness — Team Processes as mediating variables

指導教授 : 吳美連


現今快速、多變的商業經營環境,全球化的挑戰與知識基礎的競爭型態,已使得企業原本賴以維生的傳統功能式組織架構面臨危機與式微的命運,代之而起的是近來被廣泛應用的團隊式工作型態。將團隊與商業策略加以結合,由其負責一個特定的工作領域,團隊與組織間的關係已是日漸緊密而難以分割。因此,團隊運作的成功與否,就大大的影響了組織的生存與發展,在此情形下,對於團隊效能的研究也益顯重要,所以本研究欲探討團隊效能的影響因素,期待將來能作為企業在建構團隊時的指導方針。 在實證分析方面,本研究以中原大學的學生團隊為研究對象,總計收集了40個團隊的資料,透過「輸入—過程—產出」的模式進行驗證。結果發現,成員的神經質與宜人性特質平均水準會透過團隊互動過程的中介,影響團隊的效能表現;而嚴謹性特質平均水準也確實具有提升團隊效能的能力。另外,本研究於團隊互動過程所歸納的五個構面:溝通、社會支持、凝聚力、情感性衝突、任務性衝突,對團隊效能具有高度的解釋能力,是研究者在探討團隊效能時不應忽略的。 而在觀察團隊成員互動過程的結果發現,男性與女性成員在團隊互動中有不同的行為傾向,男性較喜於發表自己的意見,而女性則較在意他人提供的想法,男女成員可能在團隊會議的過程中扮演著相互調和的角色。在人格特質方面,神經質特質低的人比較願意承擔責任,擔當起小組長的工作,而外向性特質高的人確實在會議中居於主要發言人的位置,但宜人性特質高的人卻在會議中較少發表自己的看法,出現的正向社會情緒反應也較低。另就團隊層次而言,成員間的正向社會情緒反應可以催化一個團隊的卓越表現,而團隊中若出現成員負向社會情緒反應較高或是不願意參與團隊事務,則其團隊效能將受到嚴重影響。 綜上所述,本研究提出如下建議。 對管理實務界之建議: (一)、企業在建構團隊時,應將影響團隊運作的各個層面加以仔細檢驗。 (二)、企業在挑選團隊成員時,應將人格特質組合的效果考慮進去。 (三)、企業應提供團隊成員適當的團隊技巧訓練,以改善成員彼此的互動。 (四)、若團隊中出現不適任的成員,團隊管理者應立刻進行處理。 對後續研究之建議: (一) 將「輸入—過程—產出」的架構應用於團隊效能的研究中。 (二)針對其他團隊效能的影響因素進行實證研究。 (三)將本研究所推論的命題,作進一步的假設驗證。 (四)發展本土化的人格特質量表。


In a rapidly changing business environment, it is difficult for an enterprise to achieve her objectives by functional structures only. With organizational tasks becoming more complex, “team” plays an important role to overcome these challenges and helps achieving organizational goals. As a result, researches on team effectiveness have becoming ever more important today. The purpose of this study is to investigate the key factors of team effectiveness, and hopefully, to provide guidelines for organizational team building. We collect data for this study by surveying 40 college student teams. We use I-P-O model to verify the relationship among personality composition, team process, and team effectiveness. The results show that the mean of Neuroticism and Agreeableness influence on the team effectiveness as team process served as a mediator. The mean of Conscientiousness will improve the team effectiveness. Furthermore, the five components of team process including communication, social support, cohesion, emotional conflict and task conflict are significantly related to the team effectiveness. These components should not be ignored when explore the team effectiveness. At the finding of observing member’s interaction, we found that male and female has different behavior tendency. Males prefer to express his opinion while females tend to consider others suggestions. Men and women may harmonize themselves in team process. At the aspect of personality, low Neuroticism person would like to take charge and being a leader of the team. High Extraversion person would be the main opinion provider while high Agreeableness person always keep quiet and behave less positive social-emotional actions. Furthermore, at the level of team, member’s positive social-emotional action can improve the performance of team. If the members behave more negative social-emotional actions or would not participate in the teamwork, it will seriously affect the team effectiveness. From these findings, this study provides some suggestions and recommendations as follows: Suggestions for management: 1. Managers should consider all factors of team effectiveness when building a team. 2. Managers should consider the effect of team personality composition when selecting a team member. 3. Managers should provide team members team-skill training to improve the member’s interactions. 4. Managers should take action immediately when the team has unsuitable member. Recommendations for follow-up research: 1. Apply the I-P-O model to the study of team effectiveness. 2. Focus the study on other factors of team effectiveness. 3. Conduct the hypothesis test on propositions of this study. 4. Develop a personality inventory of Chinese culture base.


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