  • 學位論文


The study of Cross-Functional Integrations, Customer Interactions and Innovative Uncertainty on New Product develpoment Performance

指導教授 : 謝龍發


論文摘要 近年來的企業在新產品開發中,因創新不確定性的存在,有越來越多的公司將顧客納入其開發流程中的夥伴,以接近顧客的想法與獲得新潮流趨勢。更有許多公司在新產品開發專案中,匯集不同部門的專長來一起從事開發研究、一同共事,以立即解決開發產品上的時間延後與部門間溝通問題,以提升新產品開發的效率與速度,以搶攻新產品上市的時機。本研究將接續近年來熱門研究的主題顧客互動與跨部門整合相關議題,進一步做更深入的問卷調查。 基於上述的研究目的,本研究將問卷對象鎖定於一直以來皆具有高發展潛力的電子製造業與光電產業。以E-mail問卷發放、傳統問卷文件寄發、及傳真的方式回收。共寄出235份電子問卷,回收有效問卷共計 59 封。使用SPSS的廻歸分析來驗證假設是否成立。主要研究發現如下: 1. 創新不確定性包括市場與技術不確定性。技術不確定性高時,樣本廠商認為其企業內部跨部門整合較低;而市場不確定性高時,研究顯示並無法證明企業內部的跨部門整合程度是低的。 2. 創新不確定性為市場與技術不確定性。當技術不確定性高時,對樣本廠商而言認為與顧客互動程度是不足的。然而在量產上市階段,當市場不確定性高時,研究顯示無法證明樣本廠商認為與顧客互動關係是不足的。 3. 創新不確定性的存在對新產品該發績效也會造成負面的影響。 4. 當跨部門整合程度高時,樣本廠商認為其對新產品的開發績效是有幫助的。 5. 與顧客互動程度高時,樣本廠商認為此行為對新產品開發績效是有幫助的。唯獨當與顧客互動之程度高時,量產上市階段的績效高是不顯著的。推論其原因是當實際量產階段,對已設定的目標績效,若面臨無法突破量產的瓶頸,與顧客互動再高都無法有助於績效達成。


Abstract Recently more and more companies are including customers into their new product de-velopment process due to innovation uncertainty in order to understand customers’ thinking and catch new trends. In order to meet the timing of new product launches, even more companies are inviting different departments with various specialties to participate in product research and development to solve the delay of product innovation and communication prob-lems, thus enhancing the efficiency and speed of new product development. Following popular research subjects of customer interaction and Cross-Functional Integration in the past few years, this research will conduct further surveys on related issues. Based on the above objectives, this research focused on potential electronic manufactur-ers and the optical industry. 235 questionnaires were distributed through e-mail, postal mail and fax and 59 effective ones were collected. SPSS regression analysis was conducted to exam the hypothesis. Key findings are as follows: 1. Innovation uncertainty includes market uncertainty and technical uncertainty. When technical uncertainty was high, sampled manufacturers thought the internal Cross-Functional Integration level was lower. When market uncertainty was high, it indicated that it couldn’t be proved that the internal Cross-Functional Integration level was lower. 2. Innovation uncertainty refers to market uncertainty and technical uncertainty. When technical uncertainty is high, sampled manufacturers thought the interactions with customers was not enough. However, at the stage of mass-production and launch, if the market uncertainty is high, the research cannot prove that sampled manufacturers thought interactions with customers was not enough. 3. Innovation uncertainty has a negative influence on the performance of new products. 4. When the Cross-Functional Integration level is high, sampled manufacturers thought it had a positive influence on the new product development performance. 5. If the level of interaction with customers was high, sampled manufacturers thought it had a positive influence on the performance of new product development. However, it has no obvious influence on the performance at the stage of mass-production and launch. The reason is that at the stage of mass-production, if the target set cannot be achieved due to certain problems, high interactions with customers cannot help improve the performance and achieve the target.


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