  • 學位論文


Design of Advanced Planning and Scheduling System Functional Modules for the 3C Mold Industry for the 3C Mold Industry

指導教授 : 宮大川


近年來由於台灣3C、電子通訊與光電產業蓬勃發展,進而帶動模具產業的成長,根據統計國內模具產值約有五成以上係來自於3C產品領域,但是3C產業的產品生命週期縮短、價格下跌的速度甚快,因此模具從設計、製造到試模的速度與彈性是國內模具產業的一大挑戰議題,所以企業本身唯有具備合理的規劃與排程系統並透過資訊回饋的整合,方能快速地反應與滿足市場需求。然而,MRPⅡ與ERP系統中忽略的限制將無法實際反應生產計畫,所以本研究將規劃以進度回報決策支援為出發點之先進規劃排程系統( Advanced Planning and Scheduling, APS)參考功能模組。 本研究目的將以3C模具產業中C公司為個案探討對象,規劃設計一結合國內該產業特性的APS系統功能模組,以提供系統與程式設計人員未來可快速延伸其內容並建置系統時的一個參考依據。而本文將以歸納問題需求之不同於其他規劃系統時的切入觀點,進而針對企業內部的生產管理面展開所需的系統功能參考模組。 本論文將分成兩個階段進行,第一階段首先將以循環圖歸納問題需求,並利用流程圖定義功能模組之靜態內容,以及結合動態觀點之循序圖和活動圖展現功能模組間的關係,接續著第二階段將延續前一階段所規劃之功能模組以階層式分析工具IDEF0呈現整體架構,最後則以專家訪談與功能對照驗證系統參考功能模組之合理性與可行性。


IDEF0 3C模具產業 APS


As a result of 3C, electronic communication and photoelectron industry upsurges, push forward also the mold industry to grow up. According to statistical analysis, the value of mold output half is for 3C products in Taiwan, but the products life cycles are short, and price reduction is so fast, therefore the speed for mold from design to manufacture is an industry’s heavy challenge. In order to gain a quick response and satisfy demand, the business must possess reasonable planning and scheduling system. However, MRPⅡ and ERP systems ignore some constraints which seem unable to have real response for product plans. Therefore this research is to develop advanced planning and scheduling system functional modules which are base on the aspect of the decision support view on progress. The purpose of this research is to design a functional module by industry characteristics and APS system for company C of 3C mold industry. The research provides a basis for system and programming engineers to extend the functional modules and develop the system. This research is developed in two stages. At the first stage, using relation diagram to induce problem and flow chart define modules contents and combining sequence diagram with activity diagram to display the relationship between the modules. At the second stage, by using IDEF0 to describe the whole framework which is extended the first stage.


IDEF0 APS 3C mold industry


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[25]Benjaafar, S. and M. Sheikhzadeh, “Scheduling Policies, Batch Sizes, and Manufacturing Lead Times,” IIE Transactions, 29(2), 159 - 166, 1997.
