  • 學位論文


Attentional Focus and Shift between Hierarchical Stimuli in Patients with Schizophrenia

指導教授 : 盧小蓉 譚偉象


目的:本研究所要探討的主題是精神分裂症病人在不同注意力範圍之間的注意力焦點與轉移模式。關於注意力焦點,本研究採用與過去研究不同的實驗設計方式,利用注意力範圍線索(非口語指令)引導注意力,期能進一步瞭解病人在不同注意力範圍間注意力焦點的運作情形。關於注意力轉移,過去雖已有許多研究探討精神分裂症病人在視覺空間中的注意力轉移型態,但少有研究針對病人在不同注意力範圍間的轉移型態進行探討,因此初步探討病人在不同注意力範圍間的注意力轉移型態即是本研究的第二個目的。方法:25位精神分裂症病人與25位對照組受試者參與本研究。範圍線索有效性(有效線索與無效線索)與目標層次(大層次目標與小層次目標)為受試者內變項。受試者的反應時間表現利用ANOVA進行分析。結果:精神分裂症病人與對照組受試者均對於階層性刺激中大層次目標的察覺速度較快,也就是有global processing advantage。兩組受試者也同樣表現出將注意力從小的層次disengage而後轉移到大層次目標的轉移速度較快。討論:本研究的結果發現精神分裂症病人非由意識控制、反射式的注意力範圍焦點運作與注意力轉移型態均與對照組受試者一樣。受試者所表現出的注意力轉移型態應可解釋過去研究所發現的干擾效果。本研究的特點在於採用一較簡單的實驗設計來探討精神分裂症病人在不同大小空間範圍間的注意力移動模式,補充了過去較少有研究探討的部分。


The purpose of this study was to explore the attentional focus and shift between different attention window sizes in patients with schizophrenia. In the part on attentional focus, in order to understand engagement speed to different attention window sizes in patients with schizophrenia, attentional cues with different sizes were used to guide subjects' attention instead of the verbal instruction used in previous studies. The second purpose of this study was to explore attentional shift, or disengagement, between different attention window sizes in patients with schizophrenia. METHOD: Subjects were 25 patients with schizophrenia and 25 non-patient volunteers. Cue validity (valid cue vs. invalid cue) and target level (global target vs. local target) were within-subject variables. ANOVA was used to analyze the subjects' reaction time. RESULTS: Both patients with schizophrenia and non-patient volunteers showed the same attentional focus pattern, global processing advantage. They both showed faster reaction time when disengaging from the local level then engaging to the global target than vice versa. DISCUSSION: Based on the results of this study, it appeared that both patients with schizophrenia and non-patient volunteers showed the same pattern of reflexive attentional focus and shift. Differences in the speed of disengagement could explaine the interference effect documented in the literature. This study contributed to understanding attentional shift between different sizes of attentional window.


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