  • 學位論文


A Study of Public Art on Campus to serve as Space Aesthetic Education Medium--The Case in Fu-Shing'Wen-Chuang and Shih-Tung Elementary School of Taipei

指導教授 : 黃位政


摘要 「公共藝術」在一九九二年『文化藝術獎助條例及其施行細則』的法令頒布後,舉凡國內重大工程建設或公有建築,都可發現作為美化建築物與環境,進而提升國人生活品質的公共藝術品蹤跡,但由於設置空間多為公共性建築,其使用者的屬性及需求較不明顯,如:捷運車站、高速道路服務區、公園廣場、都市綠廊等空間型態;然而,在使用者屬性較為明確的學校空間公共藝術,除了作為校園空間美化環境的裝飾物或是學校治校理念的圖騰象徵外,對於藝術與人文教育中培養學童審美意識的美感教育,在美術課程的教學題材與校園環境中的藝術展示下,校園公共藝術似乎已能勝任作為美感教育的媒介教材。然而,校園公共藝術在空間美感上的形塑,由於受到設置地點與作品型態等因素影響,致使校園公共藝術在校園環境裡,較少能夠提供學童對於空間感知體驗與情境想像的空間美感教育的學習機會。 本研究以個案研究方式進行校園公共藝術作品設置完成後與設置環境、使用者及學校課程教育間的相互關係進行觀察與探討。而校園的公共藝術對於作為空間美感教育媒介的可能性,則是本研究所訴求及探究的要項。 全文共分五大章節,第一章為研究動機、目的、範圍及內容的確立,以及研究方法的說明;第二章則為文獻回顧,分別是相關名詞與差異性的解釋、學校教育體制的變遷及校園公共藝術的發展歷程進行探究;第三章則是個案研究中所進行研究的調查內容;第四章則是校園公共藝術作為空間美感教育的現象探討;第五章則是本研究對於校園公共藝術作為空間美感教育媒介之研究的結論與建議。


ABSTRACT 「Public Art」in Taiwan since 1992,after the Council for Cultural Planning and Development proclaimed「Guidelines for Promoting Culture and Art」,all the important building project or government construction,have to find Public Art to serve as beautification building and environment,to proceed to the next step promote our’s standard of living, but the most part is government construction,the user attribute and needs unknown,like as:Taipei Rapid Transit System、freeway service area、park or plaza、urban green corridor、、,however,the Public Art on campus have user attribute clear,except that Public Art to serve as a decorative article on the campus space or a totemic for an idea with school to devote,with regards to the Education of Arts and Humanity with Aesthetic Education to raise the students children’s aesthetic experience,for teaching materials in artistic curriculum and art display on campus environment,the Public Art on Campus seems already can be equal to serve as a medium materials of Aesthetic Education。But,in space aesthetic molding with the Public Art on Campus,because of getting effects factors in the establish site and arts form,cause the Public Art on Campus in the school environment,scarce have learning chance to be student children with regards to the senses of the space experience and situation imagine in space Aesthetic Education。 The goal of the research use case study to discussed public art on campus with user and establish space to give rise to what kind of relation with each other and environment transform;and on the process to establish and beside of establish use situation to discussed。Public Art on campus can or can’t for space aesthetic education medium,is this case research to charge and to probe。 This study have five main portion:One,to explain public art on campus study background、intentions and method;Two,to explain the connected noun and difference、the process in the school education system and public art on campus develop historic;Three,case study with the Public Art on campus in the elementary school of Taipei;Four,to explain the public art on campus regards to be space aesthetic education medium;Five,is this study to discussed the conclusion and propose of public art on campus to serve as the space aesthetic education medium。




