  • 學位論文


A Study for Strategy and Effects of Website-The Case of Political Election

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


由於網際網路的盛行,各行各業對於網際網路的運用亦是日漸普及。不僅是政黨或候選人自行架設競選網站,來替政黨組織或自己進行宣傳工作,甚至是政黨或候選人的支持者也紛紛投入這股網路熱潮,替心中理想的候選人架設相關網站。而本研究以2004年台灣總統大選為研究環境,實地建置一競選網站-「藍教頭多媒體網站」(http://www.bluemaster.com.tw),企圖透過「行動研究」的方式,探討不同的競選網站策略與網站績效。 為了解其競選網站策略績效,本研究整合多位學者於「文宣策略」、「廣告策略」、「網路活動策略」相關的建議,並納入經營網站期間特定的策略操作,提出本研究的研究模型架構;並根據多位學者所提出的「網站流量績效指標」作一整理,評估其「文宣策略」、「廣告策略」、「網路活動策略」的績效成果。於後歸納提出適合競選網站的經營策略。 本研究旨在探討競選網站中的策略與其績效,所歸納的研究結論,分別陳述如下: 一、 文宣策略方面:1.在文宣製作上,「媒體豐富性」愈高,其文宣曝光度愈佳。2.依競選活動的時間的不同應有不同的文宣設計。3.網站中文宣的內容應提供討論與轉寄機制。 二、 廣告策略方面:1.在電子郵件廣告中,「媒體豐富性」為「靜態圖片」及「主題類型」為「非政治題材」的廣告效果較佳。2.「網路病毒式行銷」與「網站蒐集名單行銷」應搭配使用。3.在網路廣告刊登中,「廣告刊登媒體」以「網站」較有明顯的廣告效果。4.在網路廣告刊登中,「廣告刊登素材」採以「客製化素材」效果最佳。5.於網站登錄時,應刊登「與網站主題相關的文字」,其效果較佳。 三、 網路活動策略方面:1.依不同的競選時間應有不同的網路活動設計。2.在網路活動設計中,以「參與者付出成本」較低的網路活動績效較佳。3.網路活動可以採以「網站功能促銷」方式設計。 四、 其他策略方面:1.網站名稱響亮,網址好記。2.網站應營造與對手網站抗衡的氣氛。3.特殊節慶推出文宣或網路活動。4.網站設計週邊商品,滿足支持者需求。5.競選網站需與候選人的選戰策略相呼應。


Due to the prevailing of Internet, the application to the Internet of all trades and professions is also popularizing day by day. It is not merely by oneself that a political party or the candidate erect the Political Election Website, or carry on the propaganda work for the organization of political party, even political party or the candidate's supporter put into the upsurge of this whiff of networks one after another. And this research regards general presidential election of Taiwan of 2004 as the environment of studying, construction Political Election Website on the ‘Bluemaster Multimedia Website’ (http://www.bluemaster.com.tw), attempt way that adopt ‘Action Research’, probe into different election website's strategy and website's effects. In order to understand that it runs for website's strategy effects, this research combines many scholars on ‘Political Electoral Document Strategy’, ‘The Effects of Advertising’, relevant suggestion of ‘The Effects of On- line Campaign’, and include in and manage during websites the specific strategy are operated, propose the research model structure of this research, and do an arrangement. On after sum up the suitable proposition not running for by management strategy of website. This research aims at probing into strategy and its effects in election websites, the research conclusion summed up, and state as follows separately: A. Political Electoral Document Strategy: (1) The document declares, ‘the media is abundant’ the higher the better its document declares exposure. (2) One that is in accordance with different time of electioneering to have different article declare and design. (3) The content declared in websites should offer and discuss and hop the mechanism. B. The Effects of Advertising: (1) Among E-mail advertisement, ‘media person who enrich’ for ‘static picture’ and ‘theme type’ for advertising relatively good result of ‘political subject matter non-.’ (2) ‘Virus Marketing’ and ‘Websites Collect List Marketing’ should be matched and used. (3) While publishing in the advertisement of the network, ‘the media of the advertisement’ relatively have obvious advertising results with the ‘Websites’. (4) It is best that it is adopted with the result that 'the guest makes the material of melting’ that ‘the advertisement publishes the material’. (5) At the time of register websites, should publish ‘the characters correlating with website's theme’, its result is relatively good. C. The Effects of On-line Campaign:(1) There should be different network activities to design in accordance with different election time. (2) In network activity design, with ‘participant pay cost’ lower activity effects relatively good network. (3) The network activity can be adopted and designed in ‘The Promotion of Website's Function’. D. Other strategy: (1) Website's name is well known, the address of website is easy to remember. (2) Websites should build the atmosphere of contending with rival's websites. (3) The special festival celebration introduces document declaring or network activity. (4) The peripheral goods of website design, meet supporter's demand. (5) It needs to work in concert with the candidate's election war strategy to Political Election Website.


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