  • 學位論文


City Renovation Process: A Study on Architectural Color Control —preservation and reprocess of Dihua St

指導教授 : 喻肇青 薛琴


色彩所形成的影像是直接影響情感的無聲語言,無論在西方或東方世界,每種色彩皆有著它不同的個性,並主宰人類的心理、情緒、行為、進而影響整體人類歷史文化的發展。 在西方有著牛頓及歌德兩條詮釋色彩的方向,一是以科學方式分析色彩,一是以色彩本身所傳達出的情感作為研究,一為理性一為感性,就是因為有著理性與感性的交雜使得色彩更為多變有趣。荷蘭風格派﹝De stijl﹞藝術家Piet Mondrian花了一生的時間在探討三原色紅藍黃與水平、垂直間的關係,找尋隱藏在畫面中這些極端元素的最終視覺甚至哲學層面的和諧與平衡。在東方也有莊子在著作中主張透過藝術,人方能超越自我的觀念。中國運用色彩的歷程十分久遠,太極陰陽圖形便展現色彩對於心理及感知的影響,可惜直至現今,對於所處環境中的色彩卻還未有完整性的研究,對它的了解仍相當有限。 本研究經由資料收集與文獻探討,參考傳統中國思想中的色彩觀念,透過生活、風俗、習慣,以理解思想與色彩之關聯性。並由藝術作品對於色彩的敏銳的特點,尋求代表區域性的色彩風格。最後再藉區域色彩記錄、材質調查,建立控制色彩的方式,進一步分析新舊法令造成建築色彩轉變之因素,並提供對現行都市色彩計畫之建議。 以下內容是論文之內容及研究方法摘要: 一、以收集文獻資料為途徑,了解過去中國使用色彩所傳達出的訊息及意義。 二、探討區域性地理環境、人文環境及法令的轉變,經個案現況調查與分析了解區域內各棟建築的色彩及材料特色,以更新前、後作整體區域色彩氣氛調查及材料分類,將分類結果作為主色調及點綴色調之建議。 三、探討國外案例中對於色彩與材料制定方法,並將國內外法令條文截取有關色彩、材質及細部設計相關資料作為調查與分析之基礎。探求國外條例制定之精神,並將國內分析之結果進行比對針對不足之處提出建議方向。 四、探討現今法令制定原則,分析法令中色彩的色相、明度、彩度及以都市紋理作為界定區域色彩之適宜性。解析國外及本國色彩法令的差異性,並提出色彩計劃的相關調查方法,提供都市更新法令審議者、都市規劃設計者、建築色彩計劃者及研究者之參考。


Image created by colors is a nonverbal language that makes the most direct affects on emotions. Every color possesses a different personality, affecting people’s mentality, emotions, moods, actions, and traditions, thus affects the development of human history. Colors, full of concepts overlapping science and emotions, affect everybody around the world from east to west. In the west, Isaac Newton defined colors scientifically with the color spectrum while Johann Wolfgang Goethe opposed the Newtonian theory of light and color in his poetic theories. Destijl artist, Piet Mondrian, spent his entire life theorizing the relations between vertical and horizontal while using different combinations of color in different dimensions and asymmetrical lines and shapes. The east also played a fair share conceptualizing colors. Tai-chi was one of the first understandings of the direct affect colors have on emotions, and Chuang-Tze’s book also theorizes the concept stating only through art can a human being exceed oneself and succeed. This study will find the color styles of Taiwan through the eyes of artists and examine the reasons for color changes in cities through research and analysis of documentation of materials and colors in architectures. Through analyzing traditional Chinese literature on color concepts and theory, evaluating Chinese lifestyle, traditions, culture and habits, and studying traditional literature collections, this study will discuss the understanding of the relationship between thought and color. Further analysis on old and new international regulations of city preservation and suggestions on future color plans for cities in Taiwan will also be discussed. Summary of what will be discussed: 1. What the Chinese thought of the language colors speak, what colors symbolized, and what colors meant in the past through literature and color studies and theories 2. The changes in geography, environment, culture, and tradition, which led to the changes of city preservation regulations; understanding of the color and material categorization of each case; the before and after atmosphere and color and material selections and categorization created from city planning and preservation; suggestions of colors for cities in Taiwan created from the analysis 3. The findings and analysis of international architectural color and material regulation laws and laws within Taiwan; Suggestions of Taiwanese architectural regulation laws developed from using the analysis and evaluation of the comparison of laws found inside and outside Taiwan 4. The principals of today’s architectural laws and regulations; the utilization of the colors, brightness, contrast or intensity and city shape development of the regulations to apply compatible district segmentation The comparison of the color regulations in Taiwan and other countries; suggestions of color planning research methods; suggestions toward city renovation regulations for regulators, city planners, architectural color planners and researchers




