  • 學位論文


Related Structure of Problem and Problem Soluation

指導教授 : 顧志遠


對處於高度競爭下的企業而言,如何在問題發展的初期選擇解決方案是管理者所必須具備的工具,然而在問題解決的發展史中,大多因應各個產業與專業學門的特質與需要,發展出各種專業導向的問題管理方法與模式,這些相異的方法與模式中,有關問題的定義與分類,解決問題的方法及工具,仍有相當的共通性,然而一般有關問題管理(解決)的論文,多在探討整體問題解決策略的程序為何,並未針對各種問題及在找尋解決方案時,所使用的策略作更一進步的討論,本論文將先就各類問題作分類,再了解各解決方案的策略為何,接著對於各類問題與解決方案之間的關係作更進一步的研究,以協助問題解決者在看到問題的同時,即可預先看到其可使用的解決方案。 本論文的研究架構將從問題解決者的處境狀態出發,以探討問題解決者在面臨不同的處境,即不同資源豐富程度之下所採取的方案;而另一構面則將強調問題本身的性質,即問題的結構強弱,此二構面所產生的解決方案為權宜方案、妥協方案、試對方案及治本方案。 本研究以個案的方式以驗證各種問題的結構與不同問題解決者資源豐富的程度而產生不同的解決方案,本研究可以歸納出下述幾點結論及建議: 1. 在不同的問題結構與不同問題解決者所擁有的資源豐富條件下,所採行的方案將有所不同。 2. 隨著問題結構化的程度愈高或問題解決者的資源的提升,解決的方案亦會隨之改變,故在問題結構不清或問題解決者的資源條件不足的情況下,問題解決者應設法強化問題的結構或提高問題解決者的資源條件,以利採行治本方案。 關鍵字:問題,問題解決方案,問題結構,問題解決者資源條件


For the enterprises lying in high competition, it is an essential tool for managers to select solutions to the problems which begin to derive. However, in the history of solving problems, all kinds of profession-oriented techniques and formulas of problems management have been developed for the quality and demands of industries and professions. Of these different techniques and formulas, the definitions and classifications of problems, methods and tools of solving problems still have much in common. Nevertheless, most theses about problems management (solutions) focus on the strategic processes of solutions to the overall problems instead of further discussions on strategies used when looking for the solutions to the problems. The texts of the thesis will make the classifications for all sorts of problems at first, comprehend the strategies of each solution and make further research on the connection between all kinds of problems and solutions to help problem-solver discover the solutions in advance when the problems are found out. One aspect of the structure of the thesis will start in terms of a problem-solver to investigate the solutions problem-solver will take under different circumstances, which mean different abundances of resources. Meanwhile, the other aspect puts emphases on the natures of the problem itself, which means the structures of problems. The solutions derived from these aspects are expediency, compromise, trial and error, and radical cure. The study makes use of the case to verify all kinds of structures of problems and different abundances of resources in terms of different problem-solvers to produce various solutions. The following conclusions can be generalized from the study: 1. Under different structures of problems and circumstances where different problem-solvers possess different abundances of resources, the solutions taken will be different. 2. With the enhancement of problems structure and the increasing resources of problem-solvers change the solutions. Consequently, in the situations where the structures of problems are unclear or problem-solvers have insufficient resources, problem-solvers should strengthen the structures of problems or enhance the resources they have to adopt the radical-cure solutions.


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