  • 學位論文


Ecological Community Planning ─ An Application for Yuan-chiuan village Ershuei City Chang-hua County

指導教授 : 喻肇青


台灣都市早已因為過度擁擠產生種種現代都市問題,如︰交通、污染、土地開發飽和等,在重視現有都市問題的同時,是否更應該思索都市之外其他區域發展之可能性,以紓解都市擁擠問題,使城鄉皆能得到均衡的發展。藉由台灣傳統自然村尚未被工業化、都市化侵蝕的自然優勢,期能發展出更符合人類居住與生態的新生活型態。 本研究以「傳統自然村」為主要研究範籌,傳統自然村不僅富有歷史文化意義,而且也是發展未來綠谷的最佳基點。傳統自然村是早在清代拓墾移民社會時就已形成,大多數歷經二、三百年的歷史演變至今,擁有厚實的文化意涵,不僅僅只是空間上的演變,「時間」更是其中最關鍵的形成因素。本研究選擇一個位於台灣中部彰化縣境內現存的傳統自然村─彰化縣二水鄉源泉村為研究對象,作為探討傳統自然村轉型生態社區的真實地理環境單元。 本研究內容第一部分研究者透過整理相關傳統自然村研究背景及共生生態規劃理念,建立一系列生態社區規劃普同性規劃模式,加上研究者本身實地田野調查,實際紀錄在地居民的生活模式,探討真正符合二水鄉源泉村的規劃操作模式,作為生態社區設計操作的規劃依據。 第二部分透過二水鄉源泉村生態社區的操作規劃,試圖將共生生態理念落實於真實地理環境之中,將傳統自然村轉型而成的生態社區,有系統的以圖面及模型具體呈現出來,作為未來真實實踐的操作參考。


Modern urban problems such as traffic, pollution and land over development, have emerged in Taiwan city long ago. While we focus on the existing problems, we should also explore the alternatives of developing opportunities other than urban areas. This would help to solve the problem of city’s heavy population and to reach a development balance between urban and suburban areas. The research will focus mainly on the scope of “traditional natural village”, which is not only full of historical and culture meaning but also the best home base of the future green valley. Traditional natural villages are formed way back in the colony development society in Ching Dynasty. After two to three hundred years of historical transformation, solid cultural elements have incorporated. Space is not the only element changed, “time” factors is the most essential element. To explore the geographic environment of traditional natural village transforming ecological community, the research examine the existing traditional natural village located in central Taiwan—Yuan-chiuan village, Ershuei City, Chang-hwa County. The first part of the research will establish a series of ecological community planning pattern through conducting traditional natural village research and symbiosis ecology planning literature review. We also document resident’s actual living patterns through conducting field study to explore a workable implementing pattern that suits the residents of Yuan-chiuan village, Ershuei City, and to create a pattern that can serve as a reference for performing planning execution. The second part of the research will try to realize the concept of symbiosis ecological community to the real life geographic environment through the ecological planning of the Yuan-chiuan village, Ershuei City. By demonstrating with charts and models, we explain how a traditional natural village was transformed into an ecological community with a hope of serving as a reference for future actual execution.


‧洪得娟 等譯 Thompson, George F. 著


許礎之(2011)。永續植栽應用於社區閒置土地 ~以大溪埔頂重劃區之家庭菜園為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100759
