  • 學位論文

設計學院住宿與工作空間結合之可能性規劃設計─ 以中原大學女生宿舍為例

Design Research on the Renovation of Working and Living Environment --An Application for CYCU Female’s Dormitory

指導教授 : 喻肇青


對設計學院的學生而言,學校宿舍與學生的工作室不僅是滿足日常生活中「居住」與「學習」的空間,同時亦直接影響人格的養成及學習的良窳。因此,宿舍的空間實為學生在大學生活中重要的一環。目前國內的大學學生宿舍,在外觀設計與硬體設備上落差極大:有號稱五星級飯店的空間設計;也有沿用三、四十年的老舊建物,空間與設備遠無法符合現在學生生活的基本需求。但不論宿舍建築的外觀與硬體設備是先進或老舊,但在空間規劃的品質上一直較少明顯的變化與進步。其原因除了宿舍建築大都由校方委託建築師設計而成,以致在設計成果上較少有突破與創新之外,現階段有關宿舍的空間問題研究較少,設計者缺少相關資料可供參考亦是重要的因素。 目前中原大學內有3棟女生宿舍(信望宿舍、恩慈樓、良善樓),其中信、望宿舍早期是規劃成男生宿舍,爾後因為學校女學生人數日益增加,才改為女生宿舍。因為早期信望宿舍的設計是針對男學生設計,改為女生宿舍時僅為一紙行政命令,並無配套的變更設計,所以有許多空間並不符合女生使用的機能。而設計學院的學生作息與其他科系的學生作息業也有很大的不同,熬夜趕圖做模型是生活與學習的必經過程,因此住宿於學校的門禁限制,成了目前設計學院住宿於宿舍的學生的一大問題。而設計學院相較於其他科系不同的學習方式,如強調實作與模型的製作,也需要大量的空間與儲藏機能。這些因素使得近年來設計學院師生不斷向校方反應,希望能規劃一棟或一層設計學院同學專屬的宿舍空間。 而中原大學校方為順應設計學院師生的要求,並改善學生的住宿品質,在92學年度決定把望樓女生宿舍一、二樓變更成設計學院的學生工作室,結合三樓原有的宿舍空間加以變更設計,規劃為適合設計學院女生住宿的的專屬宿舍。 本研究「設計學院住宿與工作空間結合之可能性規劃設計」,藉由設計學院住宿女學生的參與式設計活動,以「使用者」為操作主體,透過「參與式設計」的操作理論,配合「建築模式語言」的概念引導,讓使用者直接參與操作。加上訪談學校行政管理單位、宿舍老師,以及研究者實際入住望樓宿舍、親身感受與觀察等方法,來了解宿舍的實質環境和設備,以及學生學習生活的互動關係與真正的需求,幫助本研究對學生宿舍與學習空間的環境,有更深入的看法與了解。這樣的研究過程,是希望能發掘一般專業的建築師與設計者沒有看到的問題與學生的真實需求;同時也希望以本研究參與式設計過程所得的一些經驗,做為日後學校宿舍規劃設計、乃至於整體校園空間設計時操作方式的參考;也盼望能建立一套可串聯工作室與宿舍空間設計的模式語言,提供學校規劃單位日後設計類似的空間時可依循的準則。


In favor of College of Design students, dormitory and design studio not only satisfy design students’ everyday needs in “Dwelling”, and “Learning” Space, they concurrently influence the development of a person’s character and learning capability. Up until the present moment, various types of local dormitory’s exterior facade appearance and facilities are found respectively. Some are known as five star hotels; some yet remain old-fashioned in which spaces and facilities appeared unable to fit today’s students’ basic needs. Whether the dormitory’s exterior appearance or facility is advanced or old-fashioned, the quality of designed space is found less in change or improvement constantly. Reasons apart from the authorship given from the university to the architect showing the design product in less innovation, researchers found limited reference available is another important factor. CYCU has three female dormitories (including Xin-Wang, En-Ci, and Liang-Shan Buildings) at the present time. Among these buildings, Xin-Wang Building was planned as a male dormitory at early stage, and later transformed into a female dormitory due to the increase in female student numbers in days. Since Xin-Wang Building was aimed to design for male students at early stage, the functional spaces were found against female users’ needs. In addition, design students’ work schedule such as overnight drawings and model-making demands large storage space, impels students and teachers constantly respond to the University in requesting a distinctive “College of Design Students’ Dormitory” whether in the form of one complete building or level. In complying with College of Design’s request, meanwhile improve the quality of dormitory, CYCU has come to a decision on an alteration of first and second floor in female Wang dormitory into design studio space. And combining the third floor, the originated dormitory space, as the distinctive female design student dormitory in the 92 academic year (2003). “Design Research on the Renovation of Working and Living Environment --An Application for CYCU Female’s Dormitory” study involves female College of Design students in participating design, using “User” as the principal operator, and “Participating Design” as the operating theory, in coordination with concept of “Architecture Pattern Language”. In addition, interviews with university administration unit and dormitory supervisor, and researcher’s personal dormitory living experience in the Wang Building, assist in understanding the essential dormitory living environment and facility, as well as interactions between students and their real needs. The results gained from participating design in this study aims to assist future dormitory planning and design methods, including a complete university planning, too. Furthermore, the study aims in establishing a set of language pattern correlating studio and dormitory space, as a reference for future university planner when involved designing similar spaces.


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