  • 學位論文


MPLS Network Design Considering Multicast Services

指導教授 : 林志浩


MPLS技術為提供每個IP封包一個標籤,由此標籤決定封包的路徑以及優先傳送順序,與MPLS通訊協定相容的路由器會將封包轉送到其路徑前只讀取封包的標籤而無須要讀取每個封包的IP位址以及標頭,相較於傳統網路傳送技術透過標籤轉送的方式可以加快網路的傳輸速度。DiffServ架構會依據事先規劃好的分類原則將訊務封包分類,然後再依其分類後的優先等級來處理訊務封包來做到服務品質(Quality of Service)。在資料傳送方面來說IP Multicast相較於unicast來說可以節省大量的網路頻寬。在網路規劃議題方面,在傳統上ASP廠商的考量來說會傾向於建置一個屬於ASP廠商本身完整的網路,在實際情形上當提供使用者使用網路時會為ASP廠商帶來收益,因此本論文計劃透過租借的概念,在一定預算下透過承租其他線路來為ASP廠商帶來收益,因此本論文寄望能以租借的角度來考量網路建置問題。 本研究所探討的問題是屬在資源條件限制下之網路規劃最佳化問題。此問題屬於NP-Complete的問題,對於解開NP-Complete問題我們採用Lagrangean Relaxation作為主要的解題方法;Lagrangean Relaxation作法為針對問題中的相關的條件式進行鬆弛,透過Lagrangean Relaxation作法可以將原始問題分解為數個小問題然後再透過相關的解題步驟解相關子問題,減少求解的複雜度;最後透過實驗的方式導入合理化的數據,以測試並驗證這些解題程序之效果及效率,以求達到數學最佳化 (Mathematical Optimization)。


MPLS offers a label for each IP packet, the label determines the route of the packet and the order of transmittance, the router with MPLS will check the label only before transmit it ,the form of transmit an packet by check its label can rise the speed of transmittance. The Diffserv’s architecture classify packets under defined rules and treat the packets under the order of the packet that can achieve QoS. IP multicast can economize much network bandwidth than unicast. Differ with traditional consideration of build all network links of ASP provider, this thesis adduce the aspect of rental network links. Because the thesis that we probe into is in the classification of network planning problems under rental cost constraints, it is the NP-complete Problem. Therefore, we will apply the Lagrangean relaxation method and the subgradient method to solve this problem. After the primal mathematical model is done, we will try to relax some constrains and form some subproblems. We can solve subproblems with known functions. We will also make some experiments to test the effect and efficiency of the mathematical model in order to achieve the Mathematical Optimization.


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