  • 學位論文


The Research on the Development of Land and Building in “Man-Ka filled land” during the Japanese Governance of Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


摘 要 日本殖民臺灣五十年,對臺灣的建築發展影響很大,主要的原因在於它正是臺灣建築由傳統轉變為近代化的重要時期,目前探討日治時期臺灣建築史的相關論文逐漸增加,但以土地開發為論述者稀少,故本論文藉由「艋舺埋立地」特殊的地理位置,探討日治時期殖民政府在殖民地臺灣所進行的土地建設理念和政策,以及由土地建物發展的狀況,重建日治時期此區的建築歷史。 「艋舺埋立地」在日治時期主要位於臺北三市街大稻埕、城內和艋舺之間,當時居住於三市街的族群主要為洋商、日本人及台灣人,在日治初期「艋舺埋立地」的土地為水田窪地,因此分割了三市街,使得三市街形成各自不同的建築文化,直到殖民政府在大正8年(1919)將「艋舺埋立地」填高整地後,才連結了此三市街,也因此使得「艋舺埋立地」市街的發展,受到此三區各異的建築文化影響。 土地、建築與人的生活是息息相關,不同的族群發展不同的建築文化,本論文以「艋舺埋立地」為主軸,分為三大部分探討: 第一部份,探討日治時期「艋舺埋立地」填高土地之前,位於此區的洋商、日人與台人土地所有、土地建築的狀況,以及殖民政府如何運用土地家屋調查、市區計畫取得臺灣人的土地以及市區計畫對此區的影響。 第二部分,由日治時期「艋舺埋立地」填高工事進行的狀況,探討殖民政府如何與當時的地主合作進行土地的開發;在土地填高後如何在都市計畫的區劃整理政策尚未實施之前,進行土地分割、土地重劃;以及日治時期參與土地開發的主要相關人物背景。 第三部份,藉由日治時期「艋舺埋立地」後的地籍建物資料,探討埋立地後此市街土地建築發展的狀況,包括街廓道路的系統、建築類型、公共設施狀況。


Abstract Five decades of Japanese governance had left indelible marks on the development of Taiwan’s architectural landscape primarily owing to the period’s falling at the pivotal juncture where the architectural style was transfiguring from the traditional to the modern. Theoretical studies of the island’s architectural development during the occupation period have been gaining momentum yet the aspect of land development has still received scanty attention. Hence the study citing Man-ka district for its unique geographic location aimed to examine the colonial government’s Taiwan land development policy, and in conjunction with the course of land and architectural development to reconstruct the architectural history of the period. Man-ka district during the period mainly comprised Taipei Sanshi Street Dadowcheng, inner city and Man-ka. In those days Sanshi Street was an ethnically diverse district housing mainly foreigner traders, Japanese and locals. Man-ka was initially a lowland, which cut up Sanshi Street geographically to ensue different architectural cultures; it wasn’t until the 8th year of Taisho (1919) the colonial government raised the lower parts to level Sanshi Street did these three parts begin to converge culturally. Which underlay the more urbanised Man-ka district’s distinct architectural influences of these three areas. Human civilization is inseparable from land and architecture; different ethnic cultures have shaped varied architectural styles. The study examined the development of Man-ka in three parts: The first part investigated the pre-elevation Man-ka land ownership among foreign traders, Japanese and locals; the building status; how the colonial government appropriated land via land and property survey and urban plan; and the impact of urban plan on the district. The second part addressed the elevation undertaking; unraveled how the colonial government co-operated with the local landowners in developing the land; and how the land after elevation and before implementation of urban-zoning policy was divided and appropriated; as well as profiles of the key players in the land development. The third part interpreted post-elevation building registration records in discussing the district’s post-elevation land and architectural development including the street and roadway system, building types and public facilities.


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