  • 學位論文

人體試驗對既有醫療法制衝擊之研究 - 以當事人利益衝突為中心

Study of the Impacts of Human Subject Research on Traditional Medical Regulations:Focusing on Conflict of Iinterests

指導教授 : 雷文玫


有鑒於人體試驗某些特點因脫逸於常規醫病關係的範疇,如果想要僅利用既有的傳統醫療契約所架構出的當事人地位、侵權行為法內所稱違反保護他人之法律標準、以及醫學倫理中向來被奉行不悖的不傷害原則等概念來對人體試驗加以規範,恐怕並不足夠。 同時,在試驗行為本身又牽涉到許多不同群體利益的情形下,各當事人相互間之利益未必處於平行不相干擾的狀態,相反的,這些人的利益彼此間往往存在著緊張關係,而這樣緊張關係的具體化,就是吾人一般所稱的利益衝突(Conflict of Interests)問題;目前世界多數民主國家的立法,多半單靠告知後同意原則(Doctrine of Informed Consent),由試驗人向受試人揭露的規制來平衡病患與受試人之間的利益,然而,這樣的做法是否足以保障受試者的安全,不無疑問,因此本文即從法規管制的角度出發,來探討利益衝突問題的解決。 本文的架構總分為七大部分: 第一部份為序論,旨在敘述引發本文撰寫動機的問題意識,以美國人體試驗中最著名的案例Jesse Gelsinger在試驗進行中死亡的事件作為主軸,說明人體試驗中所面臨的各種利益,以及這些利益在試驗中所扮演的角色與帶來的問題,其後再闡明研究範圍和研究方法,以作為探討試驗當事人關係的基礎。 論文的第二部份,在界定試驗、試驗人、受試者的意義以及試驗行為的本質,先從各藥廠面臨的龐大商機出發,說明商業公司與試驗人所面臨的經營壓力與利益取得的狀況,以環繞試驗中各當事人關係及利益往來情形作為探討試驗主要特徵的出發點。 論文的第三部份,旨在說明醫療法相關規範的現況,主要是以美國法的介紹為出發點,析論告知後同意原則及醫學倫理委員會(Institutional Review Board)的組織,並且將常規醫療與人體試驗相互比較以特殊化人體試驗以及其所面臨的問題和異同。 論文的第四部份為本文的核心,以環繞著利益衝突議題為主軸,指出當前試驗人與受試者因為面臨利益衝突問題所遭遇的各種問題現狀,以及在規範管理上所面臨的困難處,這其中將包含政府所有相關機構、私人企業、醫院、以及個別試驗人可能或已經面臨的難題,同時並介紹因政府機關、自律機構、以及醫界自制等以控制利益衝突問題為目的所制訂出來的法規,這些法規範則以美國在人體試驗有關利益衝突管理時的相關法制為主,特別將著重在眾多機構與委員會間互動以及其複雜的位階性,嘗試從論述管制的手段、範圍和內容的方式,來作為次章討論這些規定究竟能否達到對受試者之安全完全保障的理想。 本文的第五部分,則嘗試指出目前規範人體試驗與利益衝突議題所面臨的難題,這些難題包含了行政機關與試驗當事人彼此互動時所產生的衝突、行政機關自身所面臨的權力行使與機關協調問題等,這部分的重點將專注於美國的立法缺失點與難題,以及他們對於這些問題的解決方式和執行效率。 至於論文的第六部份,則把研究對象轉至我國,於介紹並整理目前國內一系列綿密的人體試驗中試驗人與受試者間利益衝突問題的相關行政命令體系後,將規範體系與美國立法相互比較,來指出目前的缺失所在,同時根據我國民情的特殊性,評釋各該處理方式的可行性及問題點,並提出本文對於這些規範修正的見解及建議,期待能作為我國未來修訂規範相關監督和補助機關時的參考。 論文的第七部分,乃是以總結全文的方式,來對利益衝突法制的規範加以期許與展望,期望能對未來我國在管理人體試驗利益衝突時能有所裨益。


Due to the reason that human subject research procedure is not exactly the same as the traditional medical treatment procedure, it’s almost impossible for legislators or institutions to regulate researchers through traditional medical regulations such as the status of the doctor involved, tort laws, and medical ethics, etc. Besides, since lots of different social groups are involved in a clinical research, the interests of these people are not always equal without any disturbance. On the contrary, the relationship between all the participants in a research is both problematic and sophisticated. To summarize it, the relationship is therefore so called “Conflict of Interests”; at present, most countries would solve the issue of conflict of interest through the operation of “Doctrine of Informed Consent.” However, there are still many questions about the safety and the effectiveness of this doctrine, and this phonemon would lead the thesis mainly concentrate on the introduction of regulations to promote the safety of the subjects. The scheme of this thesis is divided into seven chapters as follows: Chapter 1 illustrates the incentives for writing and methodologies. In addition, this part will construct the idea of “danger” and “interests” by introducing the notorious case “The Death of Jesse Gelsinger” in the medical history of the US. Chapter 2 discusses the motivation of “medical business” – what’s behind them and how these affect the whole medical industry. This part will also define the realms of the research for the following chapters. Chapter 3 introduces the medical regulations that are working now in the US, and figures out the differences between medical treatment and research, the problems they are facing. Then it tries to estimate the complexity and flexibility as a way to find out whether the institutions work well or not. Chapter 4 is the most important part of this thesis – it demonstrates the meaning of “conflict of interest”: how it goes and why it affects. Besides, this part will also analyzes the problems and the regulative schemes made by official institutions, private business, hospitals, and commercial laboratories. Chapter 5 analyzes the appropriateness of the regulations mentioned above, and will also introduce different regulations on conflict of interests in different countries so that we could decide whether these standards could promote the safety of the research or not. Chapter 6 emphasizes the laws in Taiwan and compares the administrative and legislative initiatives in order to find out the shortcomings and differentiate the Taiwanese culture as a regulatory framework on comparative legal study basis. Chapter 7 concludes the former discussions and propositions of this thesis. Then it tentatively contours and proposes the prospects for establishing Taiwan’s regulatory scheme of regulations on conflicts of interests in the future.




蕭弘毅(2007)。生物醫學人體試驗之管制 —以人體試驗委員會為中心—〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.02619
