  • 學位論文

雞首?牛後? 智力內隱理論與生活目標對團體選擇的影響

The Influence of the Implicit Theories and Life Goals on Individuals’ Choices between Big-Fish-Little-Pond and Little-Fish-Big-Pond

指導教授 : 危芷芬博士


本研究主要目的是探討智力內隱理論與生活目標對雞首、牛後團體之選擇的影響。雞首及牛後團體的差異在於:前者表示個人在團體中的地位較高,但是團體本身的地位、聲望較低﹔後者表示個人在團體中的地位較低,但是團體本身的地位、聲望較高。因此個人如果必須面對二選一的情境時,可能會陷入兩難困境。研究者認為,個人對智力的信念以及生活目標類型會影響雞首、牛後的選擇。 本研究區分出漸升論與實體論等二種智力內隱理論,前者意指個人相信智力可以變動,後者則表示智力是無法改變的。漸升論者較重視追求新知識,因此可能選擇團體好、個人差的牛後團體;相對地,實體論者注重自己的表現,因此較可能選擇團體差、個人好的雞首團體。 除此之外,本研究也根據儒家文化的價值觀,區分出三種生活目標:縱向目標、橫向目標與個人目標。縱向目標代表個人所處的一般社會所賦予高價值的目標;橫向目標則是為個人所認同,以及同樣以此為目標的內團體成員所讚許的目標;個人目標出自於個人的興趣或自我選擇,完全與他人無關。本研究認為:追求不同的生活目標,對雞首、牛後團體的選擇有所差異。   本研究分別以情境模擬法、自我生活目標問卷以及社團活動問卷為工具,探討大學生如何在雞首、牛後團體之間做出選擇,在問卷當中也探討在選擇時的動機,以及選擇之後的情緒反應。統計分析結果顯示:(1)漸升論者偏向選擇牛後,實體論者偏向選擇雞首。(2)在三種生活目標之下,選擇牛後的比例多於雞首。(3)在縱向目標與橫向目標下,漸升論者選擇牛後的比例顯著高於實體論者;在個人目標下,實體論者選擇雞首的比例顯著高於漸升論者。(4)選擇牛後者為了學習新知識與個人興趣的動機顯著大於選擇雞首者﹔選擇雞首者為了好表現與同好稱讚的動機顯著大於選擇牛後者。(5)選擇牛後者比選擇雞首者對其選擇感到更滿意也更快樂。


The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of implicit theories of intelligence and life goals on frog-pond effect which represented the conflict of choice between superior and inferior groups. As people joined inferior groups (Big-fish-little-pond), they would feel superior to other group members. On the contrary, members of superior groups (Little-fish-big-pond) might feel inferior within groups. Two implicit theories of intelligence were distinguished by Dweck and Leggett (1988). Incremental theorists believed that abilities were malleable, but entity theorists believed in fixed abilities. It was inferred that the former would prefer little-fish-big-pond situations, while the latter would rather choose big-fish-little-pond. Hwang (2004a) proposed three kinds of life goals in Confucian societies. Vertical goals were highly valued by the society; horizontal goals were identified only by ingroup members; personal goals were based interest or self-choice. It was also predicted that choices between big-fish-little-pond and little-fish-big-pond would be different according to goal types. The scenario simulation method, self-reported questionnaires were used to measure subjects’ choices in frog-pond dilemma, motivation and emotional responses of their choices. The results were as following: (1) Incremental theorists preferred little-fish-big-pond situations and entity theorists preferred big-fish-little-pond; (2) Among three kinds of Chinese life goals, subjects chose little-fish-big-pond situations more than big-fish-little-pond; (3) In pursuing vertical and horizontal goals, incremental theorists chose little-fish-big-pond situations more than entity theorists; in pursuing personal goal, entity theorists chose big-fish-little-pond situations more than incremental theorists; (4) Those who chose little-fish-big-pond stressed knowledge increase and personal interest, and those who chose big-fish-little-pond emphasized good performance and praise from peers; (5) Those who chose little-fish-big-pond situations were more satisfied and happier than ones who chose big-fish-little-pond.


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