  • 學位論文


A Study on the Essence of Patents-Relating to the Socialization of Patents

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


智慧財產權所引發之許多議題不僅複雜,且似乎涉及私有權利與公共利益之衝突者,有逐漸增加之趨勢。對於智慧財產權法制所衍生之問題,可否透過對其權利本質內涵之認識而尋得和諧的解決之道,乃為本文所欲追求之目的。尤其於此類爭議中,透過適當地限制智慧財產權作為解決方式而達成公平正義者有增加之趨勢,亦即普遍著重社會公益之考量,此與民法中關於私人財產之所有權(物權)社會化頗有異曲同工之妙。同時亦有多數學者強調,思考智慧財產權時應重視其「私權與公益之調和」。故本文自智慧財產權之各法律中選擇以專利權為範圍,藉著歸納目前某些與著重公益考量相關而設計之制度,期望能以著重公共利益之角度重新觀察其權利之重要內涵,並由此瞭解其社會化之趨勢。 本文主要包含三大主題,分別為「專利權本質內涵之相關探討」、「專利權相關之私權與公益調和機制」及「專利權之社會化趨勢」,並以七個章節分別敘述,茲簡要說明如下: 第一章「緒論」: 主要說明本文研究目的、範圍之選定以及研究方法與結構。 第二章「專利權之演進」: 乃透過專利制度之歷史發展過程以及其於近代歐美國家與國際組織之發展經驗,以瞭解專利權之演進過程。 第三章「專利權於法學上之權利正當性」: 本章透過法學上之分析,以瞭解專利權重要之權利內涵並與傳統之有體財產權為比較; 第四章「專利權之經濟分析」: 本章透過簡單之經濟學理論為基礎,嘗試分析專利制度於經濟學理論中是否具有合理存在之依據; 第五章「權利體系上之分析」: 係透過憲法所建構之基本權利體系架構,探討專利權之權利定位問題; 第六章「專利權之社會化—公益與私益之調和」: 為專利權法制尋求可能存在之公益與私益調和機制,並以實際案例驗證此類調和機制之運作情形,以瞭解其社會化之趨勢; 第七章為結論。


社會化 智慧財產權 專利權


The controversies related to intellectual properties are not only complicated, but in an increasing tendency concerned with the conflicts of private rights against public benefits. The objective pursued by this thesis is tending to figure out the controversies, which arose from practices of intellectual property regime, by means of comprehending the essential subject matters of the rights granted. In some issues, particularly, resolutions by adequately restricting intellectual property rights for the purpose of securing equity and justice are adopted favorably, i.e. generally laid great stress on public benefits as the socialization of private proprietary. Moreover, scholars put much emphasis on the harmonization between public benefits and private rights in considering intellectual property rights. Consequently, herein I selected Patents as the restricted scope and extracted it from intellectual property rights, by inducting the potential mechanism concerns harmonizing the conflicts between public benefits and private rights, and reviewing the material subject matter of patent rights in the aspect of public benefits concerns, in contemplation of comprehending the tendency of its socialization. There are three subjects embraced in this thesis mainly, which can be enumerated as “The related studies on the essential subject matters of patents”, “Patents related harmonizing mechanism on public benefits against private rights”, and “The socialization tendency of patents”. All these subjects were divided into seven chapters herein, each summarized with a brief set forth as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction Introducing the objective, selected scope, methods adopted in analysis, and the structure of this study. Chapter 2 The Development of Patents In this chapter, for the intention to perceive the evolvement of patents, adapted an induction by means of learning the historic development process of patents and the experiences of the advanced countries as well. Chapter 3 The Legitimacy of Patent Rights For the most part of this chapter it made an attempt to realize the critical essential subject matters of patent rights by legal analysis and comparing the mentioned subject matters to the classic concept of property rights in tangible properties. Chapter 4 The Economic Analysis of Patents To understand whether there is a rational foundation, consisted of economic theories, for the existence of patents regime, herein, proceeded an attempt based on a facile economic analysis. Chapter 5 The Analysis on the Scheme of Human Rights A discussion in the orientation of patent rights was made in this chapter, in terms of the scheme of basic human rights. Chapter 6 The Socialization of Patents — The Harmonization between Public Benefits and Private rights To realize the tendency of the socialization of patents, in this chapter, the potential mechanism, which concerns harmonizing the conflicts between public benefits and private rights, was sought for patents regime, and the manners of its practices was examined in the cases actually happened. Chapter 7 Conclusion


Intellectual Property Patents Socialization


5. 謝銘洋,智慧財產權之概念與意義,月旦法學教室試刊號,元照出版有限公司2002年10月。
7. Peter D. Rosenberg, Patent Law Basics, Thomson West 2002。
9. 林紀東,中華民國憲法逐條釋義(四),三民書局,1993年9月六版。
8. Richard A. Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, Aspen Publishers, 6th ed. 2003。
1. Arthur R. Miller and Michael H. Davis, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 2nd ed., WEST PUBLISHING, 1990。


