  • 學位論文


A Study of Computerized Personal Data Protection Technology

指導教授 : 涂世雄


本論文研究個人電子資料保護之技術,分別以應用於醫療、電子商務與資料庫領域為範例,探討目前資訊技術對於個人電子資料保護不夠周延之處並提出加強保護機制,除了讓使用者能瞭解自己個人電子資料保護的重要性,更希望能督促管理單位加強保護措施,以避免個人重要私密資料被竊取,導致隱私被揭發、身分被冒用所帶來嚴重的傷害與損失。 在個人電子資料應用於醫療環境下,本論文提出一個就醫者身份保護的安全機制,由就醫者-電子病歷關聯的識別碼存取就醫者的個人電子資料、使用醫護人員-醫事機構-電子病歷關聯的識別碼存取就醫者的電子病歷,配合以公開金鑰為基礎的認證協定,加強電子病歷在傳送/靜止中的隱私性與認證性。    在電子商務交易應用環境中,本論文提出強化信用卡防盜刷的安全機制。此機制使用八位數字與八位文數字的碼於信用卡上,其中,八位文數字碼用於辨識持卡者的身份,此八碼將不會儲存在磁帶上或顯示在收據上;另外八位數字碼則用於辨識發卡者與卡片的種類。在公開金鑰為基礎的認證協定下,此機制提供持卡者驅動身份辨識、商家驅動卡號驗證與發卡者驅動交易認證等功能。這樣的設計防止持卡者因交易歷史資料被公開而導致身份被冒用及信用卡被盜刷的情形。  在資料庫中的個人電子資料保護方面,本論文提出一個新的串流加密機制,用於防止駭客破解竊取自資料庫內的電子資料。此機制使用一個秘密鑰匙與兩個亂數來產生二個非線性的二進位序列。其中一個序列用於將資料分割成不同大小的片段碼;另一個序列則用於產生不同大小的鑰匙序列,使用資料隱藏演算法,將被分割成不同大小的片段碼資隱藏至不同大小的鑰匙序列內。 有鑑於目前政府律法與民間機構內自制的資訊保護機制無法適當保護不同應用環境的個人電子資料。本論文主張,能在具公信力的第三者架構之下,讓使用者參與個人私密電子資料的保護機制,以改善目前市場現有自制機制的缺失;所提出之改進方法,希望能讓政府與民間機構思考整體解決的方案,確實防止目前個人電子資料被非法使用所帶來的困擾。


This study examines the current mechanisms used to secure computerized personal data and how they can be improved. The dissertation proposes three applications of computerized personal data protection technologies in the fields of healthcare, e-commerce, and database management. The objectives are to raise awareness of the importance of protecting private data and to prevent unauthorized users from abusing or disclosing computerized personal data. In the healthcare industry, a patient-identity security mechanism is proposed to secure electronic medical records (EMRs) transmitted on the Internet and/or stored in databases. To improve the confidentiality of an EMR, the data that identifies the patient is patient-EMR related while the data that identifies the EMR belonging to the patient is healthcare-agent-EMR related. The authentication of an EMR is supported by a public-key-infrastructure based authentication protocol used for verification/identification. In the field of e-commerce, the author proposes an advanced fraud-resistant technique utilizing a modified credit card and an enhanced online e-transaction protocol to prevent criminals from making fraudulent online credit-card e-transactions. The modified credit card has been encoded with an eight-digit number and eight alphanumerical characters that will not be written on the storage device and shown on the transaction receipt. The eight-digit number is used to identify the issuer and card type while the eight alphanumerical characters are used to verify the cardholder’s identity. This special design will prevent criminals from making fraudulent online e-transactions by stealing the card data on the storage device and/or transaction receipt. The proposed e-transaction protocol provides cardholder-driven identification, merchant- driven verification, and card-issuer-driven authorization. It allows a merchant and card issuer to verify a cardholder’s identity without revealing personal identifying data. Additionally, the author proposes a new stream cipher to protect database management systems and to defend their related communication protocols against invaders. The mechanism takes a secret key and two random numbers through segmenting, XORing, and rotating operations to produce two binary key streams. One of them is used to formulate the sizes of data segments in the plaintext to be encrypted; the other one is used to formulate a non-linearity sequence of key-stream numbers with variable length. The ciphertext is generated by taking the plaintext and key-stream numbers through a data hiding function. This dissertation makes two assumptions regarding the principles utilized in designing the protection technologies. One assumption is that end-users and data owners must have more hands-on participation as safeguards. The other is that the protection technology must use trusted third parties to support origin verification, message integrity, and non-repudiation capabilities. Because current laws as well as mechanisms used for protecting computerized personal data are not effective, the research in this dissertation can provide governments and institutions new insights into solving the current problems of protecting computerized personal data and of finding effective technologies to prevent computerized personal data files from unauthorized access and misuse.


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