  • 學位論文


A Study of Integrating Measurement in TOC Problem Solving Model

指導教授 : 王晃三


問題解決本是各專業領域的共同課題,針對各領域問題的特質,歷來已發展諸多問題解決模式。對於管理領域之問題而言,限制理論(TOC)被公認為一套有效解決問題的模式。TOC的優點在於活用常識管理及系統思維,運用簡單的因果邏輯來分析問題。然而,在實務運用過程中,TOC也存在一些缺失,例如:不同對象從相同的困擾現象群組出發,不一定獲致相同的核心問題組合,此外,即或從相同的核心問題組合出發,也未必能得到同樣的關鍵問題。因此,在在顯示問題解決的過程中,難免潛藏主觀意識的影響。換言之,之所以會有這些現象,本質上導因於TOC問題解決模式在運作過程中欠缺一個客觀的衡量機制所引起。因此,本研究以導入客觀的衡量概念為訴求,在TOC問題解決的模式基礎上,尋求解決方案,期望能有效處理上述的困擾。 在本研究中,我們著眼於建構一個整合(一)六標準差方案中聚焦於顧客觀點的精神,(二)平衡計分卡(BSC)充份配合整體目標設定衡量指標的概念,並(三)利用品質機能展開(QFD)的轉化機制之整合性TOC問題解決模式。 在聚焦顧客觀點方面,我們導入關鍵品質特性(CTQ)的概念,利用顧客心聲(VOC)的機制,從各利害關係人收集有待解決的問題正面及負面的聲音,其中負面的困擾現象,即是釐清現況尋找核心問題的基礎元素。 在建構衡量指標方面,我們從顧客聲音的正面出發,利用平衡計分卡的財務、顧客、企業內部流程及學習與成長四面向平衡的精神,發展出一組適用於衡量關鍵問題解決成效的衡量指標。 在QFD轉化功能方面,我們發展了一個兩段式的品質機能展開機制,以客觀的方式先後找出關鍵問題以及關鍵指標。 在本研究中,我們以大學圖書館書庫管理的問題,作為探索TOC問題解決模式的缺失,以及驗證整合性模式的實證個案。


Problem Solving has been of common concern to practioners in various professions. Various problem solving models have been developed thereupon. For management problems, the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has been recognized as a very effective problem solving model. The strength of TOC lies in its exploiting of common-sense management and system thinking and employing of cause and effect analysis. However, TOC is found, in practice, to have some drawbacks. Namely, starting from the same set of undesirable effects, different problem solvers may not reach the same set of core problems. Moreover, the same set of core problems may not yield the same key problem. In essence, these difficulties originate from the fact that the TOC model lacks an appropriate measurement scheme. It is therefore the purpose of this study to incorporate the measurement concepts and reconstruct the TOC model so as to deal with the above mentioned difficulties. In this study, we focus on building an integrated TOC Problem Solving Model, by incorporating (1) the customer driven approach of the Six Sigma Way, (2) the corporate strategy linkage approach of BSC in development of performance measures and also (3) the transformative scheme as proposed by the Quality Function Deployment. As to customer-driven approach, based on the Critical To Quality (CTQ) concept, we make use of common tools to collect the Voice of Customers, i.e. the positive and negative perceptions of the problem undertaken. The negative voice or undesirable effects serve as the basis of further problem analysis. As to the measurement aspect, we set out from the positive voice of customers and develop a set of performance measures, by employing the Balanced Score Card and taking care of balancing among the finance, customers, internal process and growth aspects. As to the transformative aspect, we build in the TOC model a two stage Quality Function Deployment transformation in order to identify the key problem and develop a set of performance measures for evaluation of effectiveness of problem solving efforts for use. Throughout the study, the book-shelf management problem in a University Library is exploited for exploring the drawbacks of the TOC model and also for validation of the integrated TOC Model.


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47.羅盛文, (民92), 品質小組問題管理模式之研究, 中原大學; 工業工程學系碩士論文。
50.蔡文銘, (民92), 限制理論問題管理模式之研究, 中原大學; 工業工程學系碩士論文。
29.張妤慧, (民91), 整合六標準差之通用問題管理歷程之研究;, 中原大學; 工業工程學系碩士論文。
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