  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Construction of Problem Management Processes

指導教授 : 王晃三


值此劇變的時代,人類所面對的問題,在其本質上以及解決之環境上,均產生極大的變化,因此,問題解決的課題廣受重視,如何透過問題管理模式來有效解決問題更是各行各業所面臨的極大考驗。 問題管理模式之中,問題管理進程乃是其運作的主軸,具備有導引、協調、檢視…等功能,因而扮演著舉足輕重的角色。為此,本研究選定「問題管理進程」作為研究之重心。 在諸多文獻中,問題類型大致上可歸類為「消除型」與「達成型」兩種,前者著重於「問題的解決」,後者則著重於「課題的實現」,各有其功能與特色。然而,基於現實世界的問題,少有單純是「消除型」或「達成型」的問題,大多要求能在滿足消弭問題之餘,又能兼而實現目標的需求。因此,如何發展兩者兼顧的問題管理進程,實為一項切合實務需求的研究課題。因此之故,本研究首要目標乃在發展一個整合「消除型」與「達成型」問題特性的整合性問題管理進程。 此外,本研究發現目前的各類問題管理進程,普遍欠缺結合問題解決的知識管理機制,因此,研究中也將此一課題納入研究的範圍。 為此,本研究完成二項重要任務: (一)深入分析「消除型」與「達成型」問題管理進程之意涵與架構,並進行個案實證。(二)以「問題的掌握」、「問題的解決」與「課題的實現」等階段為基礎,融合知識管理的概念,發展「問題的善用」之階段,使其具備知識應用與價值營造的機制,進而建構出一套「機會導向」的整合性問題管理進程。


Along with the rapid changes in the world, both the nature of problem and also the environment for solving problems are encountering enormous changes. As a result, how to solve problems through effective problem solving models remains as an important issue in each walk of life. In any problem solving model, the problem solving process is always considered as the key component. It plays a very importment role owing to its functions in guiding, coordinating and communication etc. For this reason, it’s the task of this study to capture the essence of what makes up an effective problem solving process. Among various types of problems, the “Trouble Shooting” and “Task Achieving” are two major types of problems most frequently encountered. The former focuses on the problem-solving, the latter focuses on the realization of tasks to be achieved. However, the problems in the real world, scarcely appears in the above-mentioned simple forms. Mostly it requires more than shooting and removal of troubles, but also demands for additional realization of goals. Therefore, how to develop a problem solving process which incorporate both types of problems remains as an important issue to be addressed. Therefore, first goal of this research is to construct an integrated problem management process fit for both “Problem-Solving” and “Task-Achieving” type of problems. In addition, as the knowledge mechanism is offten lacking in various kinds of problem solving processes, we also take up the exploration of this issue in this study. In line with the above, this research has accomplished the following tasks: (1) The remodeling of the frame work of problem solving process for both “Problem-Solving” and “Task-Achieving” type of problems. (2) Poposition of a new 3-stage problem solving process which covers: Problem Mastering, Problem Solving, Problem Utilization. It is fit for use not only for “Trouble Shooting” and “Task Achieving”, but also for the Comprehensive type of problem.


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