  • 學位論文


The Research of Natural History in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation and the Formation of the preservation of the colonial Cultural Heritage.

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


日治時期,臺灣總督府基於殖民地統治與殖產開發之需,有計畫地對臺灣的自然與人文資源展開調查。而臺灣近代博物學則因相關調查之便,順勢地發展開來;隨著這股殖民地博物學研究熱潮,臺灣博物學會遂於1911(明治44)年1月14日成立,以推動殖民地臺灣之動物學、植物學、鑛物學、人類學、地學及氣象學調查與研究為其創會目的。 1919(大正8)年4月9日,日本本土公布「史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存法」,並於同年6月1日開始施行;殖民宗主國的這股保存運動熱潮,亦快速擴散到殖民地臺灣。深受日本博物學發展影響的臺灣博物學會,隨之將推動臺灣史蹟名勝天然紀念保存運動列為該會的重要任務,尤其以天然紀念物的保存倡議,最為積極與深入。該會曾分別於1923、26(大正12、15)年間,二次上呈臺灣總督「臺灣史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存建議書」,遂促成臺灣總督府於1924(大正13)年,對各州知事廳長發佈「史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存相關之通達」,及1927(昭和2)年,再次發佈「史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存相關之通牒」,用以督促及貫徹完成相關調查及保存工作。 1930(昭和5)年9月21日,臺灣總督府公告「史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存法施行規則」及「史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存法取扱規程」,同年12月2日設立「臺灣史蹟名勝天然紀念物調查會」,並逐年公布史蹟名勝天然紀念物保存指定名單,合計92件。


The Japanese Colonial government investigated the natural and humane resources of Taiwan systematically in order to control and develop these resources. The research of the modern natural history in Taiwan therefore was developed accordingly and the Natural History Society of Formosa was established on 14th January in 1911. The aim of the Society was to promote the research of zoology, botany, mineralogy, anthropology, geography and meteorology. The emerging concept of preservation movement in Taiwan followed the execution of the Preservation Law of the Historic, Scenic and Natural Monument in Japan on April 18, 1919. The Natural History Society of Formosa was deeply influenced by the development of the modern natural history in Japan thus also lend impetus to the preservation movement of the historic, scenic and natural monument as its main mission. The Society particularly focused on the preservation of the natural monument and submitted the Proposal for the Preservation of the Historic, Scenic and Natural Monument of Taiwan twice in 1923 and 1926 to the Japanese Colonial government. Taiwan General Government Office soon issued several related regulations for the investigation and preservation of the historic, scenic and natural monument in Taiwan in 1924 and 1927. Further guidelines for the application and classification were announced on September 21 and the Investigating Committee for the Preservation of the Historic, Scenic and Natural Monument of Taiwan was established in December 1930. As a result this movement, there were 92 listed monuments during the Japanese Occupation Era.


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