  • 學位論文

傳統產業專業知識延續管理之研究 —以女性飾品服裝A公司研發設計人員為訪談案例—

Knowledge continuity management in conventional industrie. -A case study of A woman clothing company.

指導教授 : 丁姵元


本論文研究在探討傳統產業面臨人員逐漸老化,最後可能導致技術斷層危機時,個案執行核心專業知識延續管理的情況。研究過程先以個案公司內部幕僚人員為問卷調查對象,綜觀性的歸納分析出本研究個案在整體組織學習的氛圍,以及各單位學習態度的強弱比較;並針對研發設計單位為個案,以微觀性的深度訪談,探討核心專業的知識管理活動。 問卷調查結果顯示,公司基礎性的知識管理工作已具有一般的雛形,組織的分享和整體學習氛圍平均都維持在平均水準上下,顯示同仁之間互動分享和學習態度良好。但從組織學習職務分類調查顯示,經、副理以上人員的學習企圖心相較偏低,一些主管且未能以身作則,缺乏對屬下激勵,造成組織學習缺乏動力;教育訓練的計畫不夠精緻和系統化,以及缺乏管理階層的認同和信任,這樣的結果已造成部屬的學習態度轉趨消極,這對知識的延續管理已是一個阻礙。從組織學習團隊調查比較各單位在標竿學習、實驗學習、不斷改良、提昇能力等表現上,行銷企劃與販賣單位的整體學習態度與自我能力提升意願,與各單位相較下,表現稍弱,這代表行銷企劃與販賣單位缺乏與研發設計和生產單位共同成長的機會,這樣的結果可能會造成外勤單位和內勤單位在整體價值觀的認知上可能會有差異,而不容易產生共識。 另外,為進一步瞭解個案公司專業知識延續管理活動現況,以深度訪談方式微觀研發設計單位經驗傳承,並引用Nonaka & Takeuchi(1995)所提出外顯知識、內隱知識與知識螺旋(Spiral of Knowledge)概念,將訪談的內容歸納為共同化的知識(包括師傅的經驗傳授、新人承接的感受)、外化知識(包括研討會、與業務單位交流、專業知識研究、創意提案)、連結性知識(包括資料收集、資料收集、作業標準化、專業知識留存計劃、訓練規劃)、內化知識(包括自我學習、系統化的學習)等知識活動型態。經過整理分析,則發現影響知識管理活動成效的因素有內部情境的矛盾問題,即從部門特質中反應出對人力斷層、老化的憂慮;從忙碌的作業型態反應出失去工作節奏和沉澱空間;以及從個人的態度反應出員工對整體工作的認知及情緒的反彈。還有從保守的公司文化與組織策略、對可以塑造願景提振士氣主管的期待、公司人事精簡政策以及缺乏有效激勵的升遷制度,這些則是影響研發設計單位知識管理成效的外部因素。又因為營運策略過度重視販賣導向,為了鎮日窮於應付販賣需求,研發設計單位每天作業型態都非常忙碌,根本沒時間進修,遑論去做有效的傳承工作。在販賣優先的原則下,可能造成販賣單位失去對商品結構理性的判斷,並失去對專業設計應有的尊重,這是對研發設計單位自信心最大的打擊。 從研究過程中一再印證知識管理最大的挑戰是在於「人」的問題,如學習態度、分享意願等等。而解決人的問題,根本之道在於改變保守的「組織文化」,本個案公司不只是一般的傳統產業,且是一個創造流行的時尚產業,它應該是活潑的、無限創意的『美的產業』,所以必須以「信任」建立團隊溝通,均衡組織發展,讓研發設計多一些創意空間;用「願景」點燃團體動力,這有賴高階主管的支持並放下身段,以建立活潑的組織文化,這些都將能改善整體組織的學習氛圍,並促進活躍與有效的知識延續管理活動。


The purpose of this research is to explore a company’s situation of professional knowledge continuity management when facing the aging workforce and the possible technique gap. First, a survey was done to find out the learning culture in the company and the R&D department’s attitudes towards learning. Then, by choosing the department of R&D as a case, several in-dept interviews were done to investigate the knowledge continuity management in the department. The survey demonstrates that the knowledge management in the company has been developed. The learning atmosphere and sharing between members appears to be above average result. It means that there seems to be a culture of learning and interaction among the workforce. On the other hand, the survey also shows that the workforce whose positions are higher than managers and assistant managers tend to be less enthusiastic towards learning. This is to say that they seem to fail to be good examples of their subordinates. There seems to be lack of motivation towards learning among the staff. As a result, it has become a hindrance to the corporate learning culture. At the same time, the unsystematic training and education program and lack of trust and recognition from the management level seems to result in a passive learning attitudes among the employees which becomes another obstacle to successful knowledge continuity management. Moreover, the survey also demonstrates the marketing and retailing department appears to have lower will in learning, experiment, improvement and excellence. As a result, it could create the discrepancy in value and motivation to learn among departments. Furthermore, in order to further find out the detail and micro view of knowledge continuity management, in-dept interviews were conducted. At the same time, Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995)’s concept of explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge and spiral of knowledge were quoted as reference to classify different activities in knowledge continuity management . Overall, the activities of knowledge management found in the interviews include socialization ( including the teaching of the mentors, the responses of apprentice), externalization ( including learning seminars, professional knowledge research, exchange ideas with the marketing department, proposal of creative and new idea), combination (including data collection, operation standardization, the preservation of professional knowledge and the training system)、internalization (including self-learning activities and systematic learning activities). The result demonstrates that the factors affecting the effect of knowledge management in the corporate include the knowledge gap between and the aging workforce. Moreover, the busy and intense work schedule also causes the research and development workforce too busy for innovation and creativity. Many employees reflected in the data that it has affected their working attitude and morale as a result. In addition, the conservative corporate culture and strategy, the downsizing policy and the promotion system which de-motivates the workforce are external factors which affect the effectiveness of knowledge continuity management in the R&D department. Moreover, too much emphasis on the marketing and sales has caused the workforce in the department spend most of the time at work to meet the demand of the market. Consequently, they did not have much time for learning and transferring new knowledge. Under the priority of “sales first”, the marketing department seems to lose the respect to R&D department, and rationale judgment of the products. And this is one of the most difficult challenges R&D department have to face in the case. The research result indicates that the biggest challenge in knowledge management is people, such as learning attitude and the will to share with others. It is suggested that the corporate culture also need to change from conservative to open and creative in order to continue to play the leading role in the fashion industry. Moreover, more trust is also proposed to help the communication between departments. Also, it is suggested that the corporate need to rethink the policy which emphasis too much on the “sale” rather than “design”. It is also advised that a long term vision with support from the managers is also helpful to build up the learning culture and effective knowledge continuity management.


39.李茂興譯(2001)。組織行為,Stephen P. Robbins原著。台北,揚智文化事業股份有限公司。


