  • 學位論文


The Application of Multiple Intelligences (MI)-based EFL Instruction in Elementary School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖恩崇


本研究旨在探討多元智慧理論之應用,認為藉由多元智慧的英語教學課程,可以引發學生的學習動機與增進學生的學習成效。加上實踐以學生為中心的學習,讓學生接觸多元的教學方法,並採教師引導與學生分組練習,嘗試結合理論與實務,設計一個可利用多元智慧於國小低年級之生活英語課程。本研究分別陳述目前國小英語教學的情況、探討多元智慧的理論、著手實驗研究之課堂觀察與分析反省回饋的資料。另外,實驗前讓學生作自我多元智慧的評量,以作為課程設計的參考。教學前作學生英語能力前測、教學中作課堂觀察記錄、教學後根據英語教師的教學省思與班級導師的回饋,了解非多元智慧學習教室和多元智慧學習教室的差異。另外於課後實施學生英語能力後測,以了解學生在這兩種教學法中的英語學習成效。最後綜合實驗的質化與量化分析結果,得到以下的發現: 一、 多元智慧理論結合課程設計可有效運用於國小低年級之生活英語課程。 二、 多元智慧學習教室的教學表現比非多元智慧學習教室的教學成效要佳,除了可激勵學生的學習動機與表現,教師也能從中了解學生的個別學習差異,以引領學生發揮不同智慧的潛能。 三、 英語教師對於多元智慧學習教室的教學提供正面的教學回饋與分享。 最後,根據研究結果與發現,對於現行國小多元智慧英語教學實踐,作成建議與結論,供相關研究參考。


Researchers of Multiple Intelligences (MI)-based EFL instruction often suggest that the MI theory to EFL instruction would likely motivate students and improve their learning potentials. However, most Taiwanese EFL teachers primarily focus on non-MI-based instruction. This study explored the incorporation of MI theory into English instruction. The emphasis of this study was on comparing and contrasting these two different teaching methods. The research participants were 34 second grade students at Chung Yuan Elementary School in Taiwan. This research employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. The analysis of the achievement tests indicated learners’ improvement under both non-MI-based and MI-based instructions. The qualitative data included classroom observation, English teacher’s instructional reflection, and classroom teacher’s feedback. These data were utilized to evaluate the differences between two teaching methods. The results of this study indicated that the application of MI-based instruction had better effect in students’ learning than that of non-MI-based instruction in terms of their learning motivation and interests. In summary, results of this study may be of importance in providing learners more various learning opportunities, as well as in improving EFL teachers’ teaching with multiple approaches.


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