  • 學位論文


Patent Maintenance Mechanism of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


在知識經濟時代中,智慧財產權的重要性日趨顯著,而隨著專利申請數量的成長,專利的管理與維護亦日益受到重視。依經濟部頒訂「專利規費收費準則」第八條所訂專利年費之標準,奉核准之專利維護費用隨其專利年限成倍數增加,故審慎評估專利是否仍需繼續維護為重要的課題。本研究主要係探討中山科學研究院(以下簡稱中科院)研發成果維護及讓與作業規定所列「已獲證之專利權」部分,期藉由分析多項專利指標,量化中科院研發成果評審原則所列之評估項目,並結合專家意見,衡量專利價值,以作為判定專利是否有必要繼續維護之參考。 本研究依據中科院研發成果評審原則所列之評估項目,藉由德爾菲法(Delphi method)彙總出技術層次、迴避難易、技術之生命週期、使用授權之可行性、商品化程度及收入情形六個層面,再經過中科院智慧財產權維護作業政策主管單位(智財辦公室)之專家確認各項因素之適合度後,推展出十四項評估準則,據以構建一個分析模型架構,再以此關鍵因素為問卷設計的主要內容,並以中科院智財辦公室及各業務執行單位承辦人為受訪對象,利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)來訂定決策過程中各衡量因素的權重值。 本研究發現,「迴避難易」及「技術層次」二項構面獲得實務界專家的一致肯定,認定其對於影響專利是否繼續維護,扮演關鍵性之角色;從評估準則之權重分析,在「全球專利家族數量」及「IPC數量(四階)」上,各專家亦認定其為影響專利是否繼續維護之重要因素。另透過本研究所建立之AHP專利維護評估模式,以「專利D」應最優先考量維護。本研究所建立之專利維護評估模式,經由量化之評斷過程與結果,更合理且周延的驗證專利維護最佳排序方案,能提供決策者作為判定專利是否有必要繼續維護之參考。


The importance of intellectual property rights has become increasingly significant in the knowledge economy era and with the growth of patent applications, people pay more attention to the management and maintenance of patents. According to Article 8 of Regulations of Patent Fees from MOEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs), the patent maintenance fee was a multiple increase with its age. For this reason, it is an important issue to evaluate the necessity of patent maintenance. The patent maintance mechanism of Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) is subjective judgement by the related people. Therefore, this research archives almost patent index and try to find out the fittable index to assess the CSISTs’ patents rights. According to the provisions of CSIST’s R&D achievements, there are ten aspects as the base of assessment using Delphi method. The six aspects are integrated in the results of Delphi. They are the technical level, the difficulty degree of design around, technology life-cycle, the feasibility of authorization, the level of commodification and incomes. After discussion with experts in CSIST, the fourteen assessment criteria are integrated and the framework of this study is established. Moreover, the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method is used to design the questionnaire and to calculate the weights of the six aspects and fourteen criteria. The results of the study show that both of the technical level and the difficulty degree of design around are affirmed by the experts from the practical experience. They think the two factors play an important role on judging the necessity of patent maintenance. In the assessment criteria analysis, all the experts regard Global Patent Family Numbers and IPC Number (Four Orders) as important factors of judging the necessity of patent maintenance. Besides, Patent D is the first one to mainten according to the assessment results. The result of the quantification assessment verifies the mode to be a more reasonable solution to sort patent maintenance among practical samples and offers decision-makers references to judge the necessity of the patent maintenance.


Harhoff, D., Scherer, F. M. and Vopel, K., 2003, “Citations, family size, opposition and the value of patent rights,” Research Policy, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 1343-1363.
