  • 學位論文

古蹟歷史建築歷史考證方法之探究 ─以台南市定古蹟原台南縣知事官邸為例

The Textual Methods for Historic Monuments and Buildings: A Case Study of the Official Residence Building of Former Tainan County Governor Built in Japanese Controlled Period

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


「古蹟、歷史建築」的存在本身即具多樣性,若加以區分,不下數十種,「建築史」屬於「歷史學」中的一門專業史,探索這門學問須具備基礎的史學修養外,還須擁有建築知識上的技藝涵養。古蹟、歷史建築的考證為確定建築史價值之所據,故需按步循序,即使一時考據不出來,也要沉穩面對,另起爐灶。以「台灣建築史」為例,其分類即有南島語系的原住民建築,中國南方系統漢民族建築,以及殖民時期的西洋系和日本系之別,其中又以漢民族建築與日本建築為多數。一般歷史考證方面主要論述重點,但因個案不同,差別性也會很大,考證貴在靈活應用,更何況還有因時、因地、因人而產生種種的變化。 本論文為研討上述「方法論」,而區以主副題目,主題目框定在「古蹟或歷史建築歷史考證方法之探究」,副題目落實在「以台南市定古蹟原台南縣知事官邸為例」。文中歷史考證方法先論及基本的文字史料檔案,也說明新科史料之出爐的重要性,後篇之試練性探究,則以運用日治時期的檔案為主,通過分析辨證,呈現在各段結論上。 選擇「台南縣知事官邸」作為案例主題,是因其為台南最早興建的官式建築之一,始於日本據台後的第三年(1898)即進行規劃,也是「明治維新」洋式建築正蓬勃成長時期,但這棟建築卻掺雜了許多本土的營建特色,也一直使用到1945年日本投降前,期間最重要的功能是作為皇室親王及皇太子的「御泊所」,也是北、中、南三座官方貴賓豪宅之一,這項特質使得其需要不停的整修,以便經常維持富麗堂皇之樣貌,所以背後隱藏的又是日本殖民思想的興發與建築技術實力的表現,所以這一連串的考據,更加看出其不同的多様特性與價值。 本文第一章緒論為基本概述,第二章為關於台灣相關史料的全面回顧及文獻建檔分類,第三章為方法論之舉例與綜合探討,第四章為關於台南知事官邸方法論實作運用及其結果,第五章為總結性回顧。


"Monuments, historic buildings," the existence of a diversity of itself, if the distinction no less than dozens of "architectural history" belongs to "history" in a professional history of science in exploring this history should have a basis for self-cultivation , the must have knowledge of the art building conservation. Monuments, historic buildings textual research to determine the value of architectural history by far, so step sequential basis having, even if the test was 1:00 not come out, but also calm face, a fresh start. To "Taiwan's architectural history" as an example, the classification that is an Austronesian aboriginal architecture, Han nationality in South China the system architecture, as well as the Western colonial system and the Japanese system of difference Among them, the Han Chinese architecture and Japanese architecture for most. Therefore, as a general historical research methods as the main focus of discussion, but the case is different differential will be large, verified your application in a flexible, not to mention also because, as a result, the result of people arising from these changes. In this paper, the above-mentioned for the seminar "Methodology" and distinguishing between main and sub-title, subject heading labeled as a "historic or historical buildings historical research methods to explore," Vice-topic implemented in the "historical sites of Tainan City, Tainan County, the original Governor's residence, for example. "Historical research method first paper dealt with the basic historical text files, also shows that the new section of the baked historical importance of the Trial of the following articles of inquiry, places the files used during the Japanese occupation mainly by analyzing the dialectic presented in the paragraphs conclusions. Select "Tainan County Governor's residence" as the case of the main theme is the construction of its first official for the Tainan-style buildings, one begins the third year after the Japanese occupation of Taiwan (1898), or planning, but also the " Meiji Restoration "and Western-style buildings are vigorous growth period, but this building is doped with a number of local construction characteristics, but also has been used to before the Japanese surrender in 1945, during the most important function is as a Royal Prince and Crown Princess's "Royal Park by" and also the North, central, and southern mansion, one of three official guests, the quality which makes the constant renovation of their needs in order to always maintain the grandeur of appearance, it is hidden behind the Japanese colonial ideology in the Hing Fat and construction technical strength of the performance, Therefore, this series of test was more to see their different characteristics and the value of variety. This Chapter Introduction to the basic outline, the second chapter on Taiwan-related historical materials for a comprehensive review and documentation on file classification, the third chapter of the methodology to explore examples and comprehensive, the fourth chapter of on the governor's official residence in Tainan implementation methodology used and its results Chapter V for the summary review.




