  • 學位論文


A Study on Introducing E-Commerce for Pre-Arrangement Promotion

指導教授 : 李正文


生前契約面對目前新經濟社會時代的經營環境之下,許多企業公司從商品導向以漸漸轉變成顧客導向為目的。生前契約之傳統行銷模式因應社會環境的轉變、網際網路的發展。了解網際網路在生活中所佔據的分量,而逐年快速增加的網路購物市場規模,並預測消費行為的改變,是現代人在生活中缺一不可的網路通路。傳統的殯葬行業對於一般民眾而言,瀰漫著一股神祕的色彩,資訊時代的來臨使得殯葬業者為了因應消費者生活習性,其服務型式逐漸趨於電子商務化,使消費者更容易了解與使用。因此本研究之主要研究動機乃是研究國人在現今網際網路盛行環境之下,探討生前契約進入電子商務之市場接受程度。是否能夠為殯葬業帶來更多效益。 本研究以利用問卷方式,以曾經在網際網路上購物經驗與曾經購買生前契約相關產品為主要研究對象,並使用統計軟體LISREL為主要研究方法來分析互動性、便利性、知覺有用性、顧客滿意度與口碑傳播行為之間的相互關係。 本研究探討生前契約電子商務化之市場接受度研究結果發現: (1) 互動性與顧客滿意度有正向之影響關係。 (2) 便利性與顧客滿意度有正向之影響關係。 (3) 知覺有用性與顧客滿意度無顯著正向之影響關係。 (4) 顧客滿意度與口碑傳播有正向之影響關係。


“Pre-arrangement”, in facing the business environment of new economical period, many companies from product orientation to customer orientation changes are gradually as the goal. 「Pre-arrangement」of traditional marketing models in the social environment changes and development of the Internet. Understand the internet holds the position in life, as recently the rapidly growing in Internet shopping market, and forecast changing consumer behavior, and at present people of living in the indispensable Internet. The traditional funeral industry for the general public, Filled with a mysterious color, and the information age and making funeral industry response to consumer habits. The service models becoming more and more E-commerce make consumers easier to understand and use. Therefore, this research is the main motivation of people under the current Internet environment, and a study on introducing E-commerce for Pre-arrangement promotion. If can bring more benefits to the funeral industry. The article used the questionnaires to survey the customers who have the experiences to use the Internet and Once purchased 「Pre-arrangement」related product, and used LISREL to analyze the relationships among interactive, convenience, Perceived u u usefulness, customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth. The key find are: Interactive has positive effects on customer satisfaction. Convenience has positive effects on customer satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has positive effects on customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction has positive effect on word-of-mouth.


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