  • 學位論文


The Internet Applications of Interior Design Business

指導教授 : 張謙允


本研究主要目的在於掌握室內設計業務內容與網路應用現況,探討室內設計業的網路適用性,以及室內設計業之網路應用模式、未來趨勢與策略建議。透過MIT90s Framework為基礎調整成的研究架構,進行「室內設計業務內容之網路適用性調查」及「室內設計業之網路應用形式現況探討」為主的議題探討。   經過業者訪談及網路調查後發現:(1) 室內設計網路應用以行銷業務方面之適用性最高,因此,室內設計公司應及早累積網路品牌形象與口碑,以取得競爭力;(2) 公司網站是消費者對公司的第一印象,對業務發展有其效益,室內設計公司皆需建立網站。此外,商業型室內設計網站將成為公司網站外另一個重要的行銷業務發展管道;(3) 設計業務方面在初步溝通及設計階段較適合見面溝通,當面確認客戶需求,縮短溝通時間;(4) 在工程發包方面,透過廠商網站查詢最新產品資訊或輸入訂單,以縮短產品確認、詢價及發包時間;(5) 工程管理中,監工屬於動態需求較高的業務,在網路應用上應考慮機動性,如透過手機網路即時溝通。在回報客戶進度方面,則可透過網站提供線上監工功能;(6) 並非每位室內設計的經營者都熟悉網路的資源,願意透過專業人員獲得改善,使得若干業務無法透過科技獲得改善,例如知識管理方面。   本研究於結論中提出室內設計公司網路應用策略建議、在不同業務階段適用的網路應用形式及室內設計網路應用發展之未來性,作為室內設計公司在面對網路應用相關議題時,能夠在網路科技不斷發展的環境下做出符合當下與未來利益的正確決策。


This study aimed to explore operations and Internet applications of the interior design industry and discuss issues including Internet applicability, application model, future trend, and suggestions for the interior design industry. Based on MIT90s Framework, this study developed a research framework to “conduct a survey on Internet applicability for interior design operations” and “explore the current applications of the Internet by the interior design industry”. Through interview and online survey, this study found: (1) The Internet is most applicable to marketing operations of the interior design industry. Hence, interior design companies should shape their brand image and word-of-mouth on the Internet to attain higher competitiveness. (2) Corporate websites give consumers the first impression of a company and are influential to its sales development. Building a corporate website is essential for every interior design company. Besides, commercial interior design websites can also be another important marketing channel for interior design companies. (3) Among the operations of interior design companies, those in the primary communication and design stage should better be conducted through face-to-face communication with consumers to confirm their demands and shorten the communication time. (4) In terms of project subcontracting, interior design companies are suggested to consult the latest product information or place orders on the subcontractor website to reduce the time spent on product confirmation, price inquiry, and subcontracting. (5) In construction management, supervision is an operation requiring more dynamic needs. Thus, mobility should be considered in the application of the Internet. For instance, mobile Internet can be used to offer instant communication. In terms of feedback of construction progress, online supervision can also be performed on the website. (6) Not all interior design managers are familiar with Internet resources and willing to seek professional assistance. As a result, some of their operations, such as knowledge management, cannot be improved by means of the technology.   In conclusion, this study proposed to interior design companies some suggestions on application of the Internet, suitable application models for each operation stage, and future development of Internet applications for the Interior design industry to help them make optimal decisions in their current and future interest in an environment with unceasing development of the Internet.


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