  • 學位論文


A Characteristic Study on Healing Space – Featuring Zen-Oriented Ideology

指導教授 : 魏主榮


摘要 近年來,台灣消費市場需求趨向返璞歸真、回歸自然,逐漸蔚為風潮。「樂活」、「慢活」、「幸福感」、「療癒」、「五感設計」…等等主題在各類型雜誌媒體頻繁出現,成為社會熱烈討論議題。 社會環境快速變遷,現代人工作與生活皆備受壓力,不斷向外追求科技與經濟上的發展,相對忽略內在需求,導致內在失調引發諸多心理問題,因而一種訴求壓力紓解和撫慰心靈的「療癒系」商品與服務興起。溫泉、SPA、渡假飯店…等療癒類型空間,成為長時間處於壓力與焦慮環境中的現代人放鬆心情、紓解壓力的去處。 「禪風」設計經常作為療癒類型空間的設計手法之一,逐漸形成一種具有特定象徵元素的表現形式。本研究透過案例調查,釐清現行禪風設計「形式」與「內涵-禪學思維」二者之間的關係;輔以歷史/比較分析,探究歷史文化脈絡下,現代心理學與東方思想之間的交流,藉由禪與心理學關於「平和心境」論述之分析比較,以求對於「療癒」心理層面需求與滿足的深刻理解,進一步將禪學思維運用於療癒空間設計之上。 本研究以禪學思維為導向,結合心理學以及環境理論相關研究,探究空間與使用者心理狀態之關聯;在「療癒」的整體概念下,針對療癒空間特質作一個全面性的探討。研究結果歸納療癒空間特質為:「獨處的空間」、「創造正面情感連結」、「回歸自然的浩瀚感」以及細項說明。透過療癒空間特質的運用,創造一個讓人置身其中,即能感受全然放鬆、平靜與療癒的空間。藉此,空間作為心理意義凝聚與歸屬感形塑的媒介,讓人們在療癒空間中,得到感官經驗與心理層面的共鳴和滿足,重新尋回身心靈的復甦與感動。


Abstract In recent years, Taiwan’s consumer market reveals the trend of recovering the original simplicity and returning back to nature. Themes like “LOHAS”, “slow living”, “sense of happiness”, “healing” and “five senses design” frequently appear in various magazines and the media, becoming the hot topic of the society. With the rapid changing of the social environment and modern people's pursuit of technological and economic development, they gradually ignore their internal needs, which leads to various psychological problems resulted from internal disorder, giving rise to “healing-style” products and service for pressure relieving and soul soothing. Healing spaces like thermal springs, SPA and resorts have become the places for modern people under high pressure to relax themselves and relieve the pressure. “Zen style” design has always been used as one of the design methods of the healing space, which has gradually become a form of expression with unique symbolic elements. The research aims at finding out the relationship between the “form” and the “meaning-Zen ideology” of the Zen style design through case study, studying the exchange between modern psychology and oriental thinking under the historical and cultural background through historical/comparative analysis, obtaining a profound understanding of the “healing” in the psychological level through the analytical comparison of the Zen ideology and psychotherapy, and further applying Zen ideology to the design of the healing space. By taking the Zen ideology as the leading principle combined with research results related to psychology and the environmental theories, the researcher studies the relationship between the space and the psychological state of users. According to the research result, the healing space has the following characteristics: “solitary space”, “creation of positive emotional links”, “grand sense of returning back to nature” and “pursuit surpassing individual level”. The space thus serves as the media for the accumulation of psychological meaning and the formation of the sense of belonging. It is the healing space which enables people to get fully relaxed and calm down when being alone. People can be satisfied both in terms of sensuous experience and psychological level, recovering the physical and spiritual pleasure.


Curtis, William J. R(1996)《Modern architecture since 1900》London : Phaidon Press


