  • 學位論文


Analysis of Characteristics of Household Appliances and Energy Dissipation

指導教授 : 陳冠宇


摘要 二十一世紀的今天全球能源儲藏正面臨逐漸枯竭,因應地球暖化和能源短缺的問題日益嚴重,因此調查研究國人用電習慣,是政府推動節能減碳,發展綠色能源政策的參考依據。本研究目標在於了解各家用電器的普及率與用戶用電特性及電力消耗等情況,期能更精確的引導國人節能減碳,進而能運用於妥善規劃用電負載預測、負載管理、制訂費率等,為非常重要之參考依據。根據量化調查發現,家用電器中以彩色電視機普及率最高99.5%,其次是洗衣機98.7%;而在夏季耗電量方面,以冷氣機最高占全耗電量38.5%。在非夏季耗電量方面,以照明設備最高17.4%。但隨著電腦的使用率提昇,已經成為家用電器中電力消耗的第三個重要來源。在節能減碳方面,則顯示一般民眾在未來會優先購買有節能標章之家用電器。在資訊系統建置方面,以具應用彈性的方式架構資料庫與以多維度資料分析統計程式,做為任何家電查詢時可直接應用,與未來調查時抽樣或耗電量試算之運用。


Abstract The twenty-first century, the world is facing the gradual depletion of energy reserves, in response to global warming and energy shortage is a growing problem, the investigation of electricity consumption habits of people, is the Government to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, the development of green energy policy frame of reference. The goal is to understand the penetration of household appliances and electricity characteristics and power consumption, etc., can be more accurate guide of people reduce carbon emissions, then electricity can be used in proper planning of the load forecasting, load management, development of rate Etc., for the very important reference.According to quantitative survey found that the highest household penetration rate in 99.5% of the color TV, washing machine is 98.7%. The summer in power consumption, air conditioners power consumption accounted for 38.5% of the maximum. In the non-summer power consumption, lighting equipment to the highest is 17.4%. But with the increase use of the computer has become household electricity consumption in the third important source. In terms of carbon reduction, the display will give priority to the general public to buy in the next chapter of the appliances are energy-saving standard. In terms of information system development, flexible approach to application architecture with database and statistical program multidimensional data analysis, as any appliance query can be directly applied, and the future investigation of sampling or the use of power spreadsheet.


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