  • 學位論文


A Study on the Origins of the Copyright Law ISP Industry Exemption Revision - The Response of Taiwan Industry to the Safe Harbor Provisions

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


網路科技的應用與發展日新月異,從最早的WEB1.0 到WEB2.0 至現今討論的WEB3.0 讓網路的應用更多元也更便利,在享受科技的同時,伴隨而來的是網路上的爭議與犯罪等,如網路安全性,個人資料的保護、以及著作權或製版權的侵害。我國於2009年5月新增訂著作權安全港條例,在於鼓勵網路服務提供在符合一定的法規範下,得以享有豁免的權利,避免因為網路使用者本身的侵權行為而影響網路服務提供業者。在新增訂的著作權法對於網路服務業者的定義做了規範,但面對網路科技不斷的創新,是否可以涵蓋所有的型態,如雲端運算服務提供者等是值得我們注意與觀察的。 新修訂著作權法參照國外的三振條款,訂定九十條之四第一項第二款,以契約、電子傳輸、自動偵測系統或其他方式,告知使用者若有三次涉有侵權情事,應終止全部或部分服務之約定。其中「三次涉有侵權情事」之文義,造成社會不少討論,但仔細去探討並和其他國家做比較,新法九十條之四第一項第二款尚不足以稱為三振條款,本文也建議或許考慮未來,著作權法能參照外國的三振條款作適度的修訂,使其相關規定能更完整。 我國新修訂之著作權法參照美國數位化千禧年著作權法案,但對非營利事業機構之免責並未引進,此或許也可以在未來修法時一併考慮。新修訂著作權法修正後提供網路服務提供者一個安全港以期能有民事豁免,刑事部分並無明確的法律規範,明訂網路服務提供業者可以免責,僅以經濟部智慧財產局的函釋,是否真可以讓網路服務提供者獲得刑事免責,尚需未來的案例驗證,也希望在外來的修法中可以將刑事免責部份以法律明文規範,文中並以台灣著名P2P侵權案件,ezPeer 和Kuro 案例加以討論。 在新修訂之著作權法公佈後,業者對於新法的因應措施為何?本文選擇了幾個類型的網路服務提供者來分析討論,根據數位時代的統計2008台灣WEB100的排名 ,Yahoo! 奇摩為台灣最大的入口網站,第二名為PC Home Online。中華電信則為我國最大的連線服務提供者,另有露天拍賣是為2008年最大的電子商務網站,此外加入台灣固網股份有限公司(Taiwan Fixed Network),簡稱TFN,和一個特殊類型區隔的BABY HOME網站,討論各種網路服務提供者修法前後之因應,最後對雲端服務提供者加以討論。希望藉由本文能對網路服務提供業者提供部分的建議。


As the rapid progression of the internet technology, developing from WEB 1.0 and WEB 2.0, now with WEB 3.0, making our lives become multicultural and more convenience than ever. However, highly developing of the internet technology has also brought up a lot of controversies, such as internet security, protection of the personal information, and plagiarizing. According to the Copyright Act of the Republic of China (R.O.C.), decreed on May 2009, if the clients have done any infringement activities on the internet, the network operators shall have the right to be exempted, as long as the company operates legally. Although the technology has being renewing by days, whether the new coming law can be applied to all of the forms of technology company such as “cloud computing”, is a point that can be discussed. The Amendment of Copyright Act of R.O.C. takes reference of the Three Strikes Law from the United States. The amendment on the second paragraph of section 1 in Article 4, the operator shall announce the client that the services will be halted when the infringement activities have being detected for three times. Among the meaning of the phrase “the infringement activities have being detected for three times” has brought up a lot of public opinions. However, if we attentively compare the new law with the United States’, we will be able to find out that the amendment is not sufficient to being called as “Three Strikes Law”. Thus, in this paper, the author suggests the Amendment on Copyright Act of R.O.C. can take more references on Three Strikes Law. The Amendment of Copyright Act of R.O.C. also takes reference of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 from the United States; however, the exemption for the non-profit companies have not being recommended yet. The amendment affords the network operators to be exempted. However, the law does not specifically point out whether the operators can have absolute criminal immunity. In this paper, the author takes three infringement cases as the examples to discuss. What shall the network operators cope with the Amendment of Copyright Act? This paper has chosen several network operators as the examples. According to Business Next, the ranking of 2008 Taiwanese WEB100 shows that Yahoo! has becoming the biggest portal site, and PC Home Online in the second place; Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. as the biggest network operator; Ruten sales as the biggest business network; Taiwan Fixed Network (TFN) and BABY HOME will also being discussed in the paper. Furthermore, this paper also discusses some information about “cloud computing” services.


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