  • 學位論文


A Research of Team Diversity, Task Interdependence, Team Conflict and Team Innovation

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


企業在面對競爭環境所衍生之複雜性,必須具備有更多樣化的人才,方能面對挑戰。而多元化的團隊成員,因實際與知覺多元化的差異,擁有不同的價值觀,產生的不僅是創新而已,成員雖互相依賴達成任務,但衝突是無法避免的,顯見共生與衝突是同時存在的。應如何管理多元化團隊提升創新效能,便是一個相當重要的課題。 本研究主要目的在探討團隊多元化、任務相依性、團隊衝突對團隊創新的影響,將團隊多元化分為人口背景多元化(性別、年齡與種族)和任務相關多元化(教育、專業與年資),並以任務相依性為自變數,構建並驗證團隊多元化、任務相依性、衝突與團隊創新的關係。 研究者以公(民)企業與組織中之研發團隊作實證研究,為獲得較準確的資料,於發放問卷之前進行團隊的分析,並對團隊成員人數以3-9人為限。總計發出180個團隊,經篩選後,有效的團隊數為122個、689份問卷,其中包含122份團隊主管問卷以及567份團隊成員問卷,有效回收率為67.8%。針對問卷所蒐集的資料,依據研究目的及所建立之研究假設,採用統計資料分析和迴歸分析進行分析驗證。以驗證團隊多元化、任務相依性及衝突對團隊創新的影響。 實證研究結果顯示,團隊多元化對團隊衝突呈現正相關的影響,證明團隊不論任務相關多元化或人口背景多元化程度越高,團隊內的任務衝突與關係衝突產生的可能性越高。而團隊內的任務相依性對任務衝突與關係衝突均呈現負相關影響,更證實了團隊成員相互依賴程度越高,團隊衝突產生的機會就會降低。最後研究結果顯示團隊衝突中的關係衝突,對團隊創新產生負向影響,也說明成員間的關係衝突會帶來成員間的不信任與其他負面的情緒性影響,進而持續影響工作的意願,降低團隊創新效能。 最後於文末提出研究結論、管理意涵以及未來研究建議,希望透過本學術研究之結果,可提供企業主管對經營團隊運作與管理的參考。


Facing the complexity of competitive environment, company must have more diverse members to come up against the challenges. Although the cross-functional team members relying on each other to achieve the missions, they have the different values of the actual and perceived varieties, result in not only the innovation ability, but also conflicts. Obviously, intergrowth and conflict exist side by side. How to manage cross-functional team effectively and promote their innovation ability has become a main issue. This research focused on characterizing influences for team innovation with team diversity, Task interdependence and conflict;team diversity is divided as demographic diversity (such as gender, age and race) and task-related diversity (such as education background, functional expertise, and year of service), and task interdependence is a independent variable. To establish and verify relationship between team diversity, task interdependence and team conflict with team innovation as a moderator Research surveys were provided to selected governmental and private research teams. Number of team members was limited to 3-9 people for better accuracy of results. Questionnaires were distributed to 180 teams, and 122 of them were selected based on screening criteria. There are totally 689 questionnaires distributed, 122 of which were distributed to supervisors/managers and 567 of which were distributed to team members. The valid return of Questionnaires ration was about 67.8%. Statistical analyses and regression were performed based on study goals and hypotheses using the collected data to investigate and validate the relationship between diversity, task interdependence and conflict with team innovations. From the evidence based study, we found that team diversity and team conflict is related and higher possibility of team conflict comes from more bio-demographic diversity and task-related diversity. Task interdependence has negative relation to team conflict, and it proves that higher interdependence of members lower the conflict possibility. Also we discover that team conflict affects team innovation negative indeed. Besides, team conflict brings distrust and other negative emotion influences then affects the working will continuously lower the team innovation ability. Conclusions and managerial implications are provided at the end as well as future directions of research. The results from this study may serve as useful references for managers when dealing with team management and operations.




