  • 學位論文


A Research of Advanced the Blog using behavior of E-books.

指導教授 : 劉士豪


部落格文章一直是網路使用者,分享/抒發心情的管道之一,有部分的部落格經營者將其視為獲利之來源,而其提供部落格空間的網站,以「免費」的特性吸引使用者註冊使用,只要能夠利用網路連結上部落,就可以閱讀文章,但是隨著數位資突飛猛進,智慧型行動電話、平電腦慢慢的已成為人手一機的必需品,大家也都能很方便的以這些資訊設備瀏覽網路上的一舉一動,也漸漸的讓許多商品數位化,其中電子書就是一個資訊化趨勢的產物,當我們看的實體書籍變成了數位檔案,我們稱之為「電子書」,讓使用者不必帶著厚重的書籍,而是將電子書存進數位裝置中隨身帶者走,沒有重量負擔,而且可以一次裝下許多電子書,省下攜帶上的負擔,利用部落格文章的特性及電子書的好處,本研究提出了一個將部落格文章轉變成電子書放在其部落格中提供使用者下載創新的研究想法,藉以研究(1) 使用者是否會由網路上閱讀轉變成為電子書的閱讀方式? (2) 不同的電子書格式是否會有不同的使用行為? (3) 部落格經營者,是否有可能以販賣部落格電子書獲利 ?,以訪談的方式,依其受訪後的回答,加以分析解釋,提出研究結論。 研究的結論:(1)使用者仍會以閱讀網路文章為主要瀏覽方式,不會因為部落格提供了電子書而影響其使用行為。(2)在於使用格式的部分,使用者仍偏向以使用PDF格式為主,並且使用於個人電腦上,ePUB格式則是認為需要另外下載閱讀器而覺得不方便,使用的閱讀的設備為手持數位裝置,如智慧型行動電話。(3) 因資訊網路發達,資訊「免費」讓使用者不願意付費購買,除非有其特殊性及需求性,否則不易讓部落格經營者以此獲利。


部落格 電子書 消費行為


Blog had been most of network use tool to share/express mood of channel. Has part of blog operators will its considered profit of sources and it’s provides blog space of website to "free" of characteristics attract user registered using. As long as to using network links to can reading articles but as digital funded rapid, intelligent type mobile phones and tablet PC slowly of has became a major electronic necessities. Everybody also are can is convenient of to these information device browse network and let many commodity digital which eBook is a information trend of products. We see of entity books became has digital archives. We called "ebook". It’s let user do not have to with high volume of books but will eBook save into digital device in the carry with who go no weight burden and can once loaded many electronic books, save carry of burden, using blog articles of characteristics and the eBook of benefits. This research made has a will blog article change into eBook device. By to research (1) User is will by network reading change became eBook of reading way? (2) Use of different eBook formats will have different behaviors? (3) Blog operator whether it is possible to traffic in blog eBook profits? The research use the interview method after their visit to answers to make analysis interpretation and to provide concluded. The studies concluded. (1) User will read the network article as the main way to browse, not blog providing eBook and the impact of their use. (2) Is to use the format section, users still prefer to use the PDF format and used on PCs. User inconvince of the need to download ePUB format reader and think it is not prefer using the reading device is a handheld digital device such as smart mobile phones. (3) Due to advances in information networks. Information for "free" users not willing to pay unless there is a of their particularities and needs, otherwise not easy to let the blog operator to gain profits.


ePUB Consumer behavior e-Book Blog


