  • 學位論文

國小特教班教師對教師助理員角色期望與 角色實踐調查之研究

An Investigation on the Role Expectation and Role Performance of Teacher Assistants in the Views of Special Education Teachers in Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 任麗華


本研究旨在了解國小自足式特教班教師對教師助理員的角色期望與角色實踐、對教師助理員角色期望與角色實踐間的差異以及比較不同背景變項的特教教師對教師助理員角色期望與角色實踐的差異。 本研究以桃竹苗四縣市設有教師助理員的自足式特教班教師為研究對象,採普查的方式,以自編問卷進行資料蒐集,並將所得資料以次數、百分比、卡方考驗等方式進行統計分析處理。研究結果如下: 一、國小特教班教師對教師助理員的角色期望,除了在「支援學校行政業務」的層面較低之外(22.2%),其他在「生活輔導」、「協助教學與評量」、「協助班級事務及聯繫」、「協助促進融合」與「專業倫理」等五個角色層面的期望百分比都在70%以上。 二、國小特教班教師認為教師助理員在不同層面的角色實踐度不一,以「專業倫理」的角色實踐最高,「支援學校行政業務」最低。 三、國小特教班教師對教師助理員的角色期望與角色實踐間有差異,角色期望皆高於角色實踐。 四、比較不同背景變項的特教教師對教師助理員角色期望,發現不同性別的特教教師對教師助理員在下列角色職責上有差異(1)協助維護學生參與校外教學活動之安全;(2)協助學生轉換上課場所;(3)協助整理及維護教室整潔;(4)避免介入特教教師專業間的爭議;(5)在沒有老師的許可下,不和家長討論學生的學習狀況等事宜。不同年齡的特教教師對教師助理員在(1)協助教師進行六大領域的教學;(2)協助教師與普通班老師傳達事項的角色期待有差異。 五、比較不同背景變項的特教教師認為教師助理員的角色實踐,發現不同學歷的特教教師認為教師助理員在(1)協助教師製作教材、教具;(2)協助特教班學生與普通班學生進行社會互動的角色實踐有差異。不同班級學生人數的教師認為教師助理員在(1)重視學生的尊嚴及孩子的自我價值;(2)用心成為學生學習的好榜樣;(3)平等對待來自於不同環境背景的孩子…等角色實踐有差異。 本研究根據發現及結論,研究者提出若干建議供教育主管機關、學校行政單位、特教班教師、教師助理員及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of the research was to understand the role expectation and role performance of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers in elementary schools, the difference between the role expectation and role performance of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers and compared with the difference of the role expectation and role performance of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers in different backgrounds. The research was focused on the subjects of the teachers of self-contained special classes with the teacher assistant in Taoyuan, Hsinchu , Miaoli Counties, and Hsinchu City. The way the census taken and these teachers were asked to complete a six dimensional questionnaire created and edited by the researcher. After collecting the questionnaires, the collected data were processed by statistical methods as frequency distribution, percentage and Chi-Square test. The results of the research were as follows: 1. The role expectation of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers in elementary schools, except the level of “assisting in the administrative operations of school” was lower(22.2%),other five role exception levels of “life counseling”, “assisting in teaching and assessment”, ” assisting in class service and contacts”, “assisting in promoting integration” and “professional ethics” were above 70%. 2. The role performance of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers in elementary schools was different. The level of “professional ethics” was the highest, but “assisting in the administrative operations of school” was the lowest. 3. There were different between the role expectation and role performance of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers, the role expectation to teacher assistants was higher than role performance. 4. Compared of the role expectation of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers in different variables of background and found that the sex variable of special education teachers’ role expectation to teacher assistants were different in the following roles responsibilities:(a)Keep students in safety when they participate in outdoor activities.(b)Assist students to move to other class situation. (c)Assist in cleaning and maintaining classroom cleanliness.(d)Avoid involvement in disputes between special education teachers.(e)Not to communicate progress or concerns about students to parent without authorization of the supervising teacher. Age variable of special education teachers’ role expectation to teacher assistants were different in the following roles responsibilities : (a)Assist teachers in the teaching of the six domains.(b)Help special education teachers to convey the matters with the general teachers. 5. Compared of the role performance of teacher assistants in the views of special education teachers in different variables of background and found that the academic variable of special education teachers’ role performance to teacher assistants were different in the following roles responsibilities:(a)Assist teachers in making teaching materials and teaching aids.(b)Help special education students and regular students in social interaction. Number of students in class variable of special education teachers’role performance to teacher assistants were different in the following roles responsibilities:(a)Respect the dignity and self-worth of all students.(b)Be attentive to make a good example for students.(c)Treatment Equally the children of the environment from different backgrounds. Recommendations were provided for local education agencies, administration of the school, teachers of self-contained special classes, teacher assistants and future researchers.


