  • 學位論文


A Study of Biblical Ethics of Homosexuality

指導教授 : 歐力仁


因著後現代思潮的開放與解放運動的洗禮,社會氛圍不若以往對同性戀持譴責與反對的立場,愈益增多的人從社會學、生物學、心理學等等為基礎,為同性戀者發聲。從70 年代開始,一些神學家開始挑戰傳統的聖經教導,他們並不接受聖經本身的權威,認為今日的教會對同性戀的了解較以前聖經作者更為清楚, 聖經的作者是受當時文化價值的影響,現代人比起聖經作者更了解人的性慾,他們所指責的同性戀只屬於後天習染的,而不是那些與生俱來「真誠相愛」的同性戀。這種對《聖經》全面性的重估與再詮釋,以批判傳統論點、解構正統的聖經教義而形成一種意識形態神學。對於洪流般地性解放風潮支持著同性戀,基督徒 更甚是教會應該如何看待與回應,乃為本研究的重點。面對此議題,當人對《聖經》有不同的理解,教會在《聖經》的詮釋上又有所分歧,導致神學有著不同的論述時,就更需要回到《聖經》來重新思考我們對同性戀的態度。因為基督徒的倫理責任,並非來自基督徒本身標準,而是基於《聖經》給予基督徒的標準,正 如上帝所言,天地都要廢去,唯有祂的道長存。 本研究以《聖經》為文本,從舊約創世紀到新約保羅書信,用書卷來區分,透過相關經文來檢視同性戀釋經之論點,如台灣基督長老教會所出版的《同性戀議題研究方案報告書》以及貝利、鮑斯威爾、周華山等人的著作。藉由年代的順勢發展,從經文脈絡來分析《聖經》對同性戀明確的倫理立場,特別針對〈創世 記〉一:26-28;二:20-25、十九:1-11、〈利未記〉十八:22;廿:13、〈羅馬書〉一:26-27、〈哥林多前書〉六:9、〈提摩太前書〉一:10 等章節,闡釋《聖經》的論點並做合宜的詮釋,同時佐以持反對立場的研究,如湯瑪斯‧施密德、 海斯等人的著作,以深入瞭解時空、文化背景等因素的關連性。


同性戀 倫理學


Because of the uprising liberation movements of post-modern beliefs, the social atmosphere differs from the old one which held a rebuking and denying position toward homosexuality. Based on sociology, biology, psychology and so forth, more and more people voice for homosexual ones. Some theologians, since 1970s, started to challenge the traditional biblical teachings. They do not accept the biblical authority because they think contemporary church has a better understanding of homosexuality than the biblical writers do. Moreover, since modern people better know human sexual desires than the biblical writers who were influenced by cultural values at that time, the target of condemnation is on acquired homosexual persons instead of congenital ones with mutual love. Therefore, ideological theology was formed from this call to comprehensively re-evaluate and interpret the Bible by criticizing traditional arguments and deconstructing the orthodox Bible doctrines. The purpose of this study lays on how Christians even the church should view and respond to the overwhelming liberation trend in favor of homosexuality. It is more necessary for us to turn back to the Bible and once again deliberate our attitude toward homosexual while different understandings of the Bible among people and the church’s discrepant explanations cause various theological writings. Christian ethics does not come from the standard of Christians but from the one given by the Bible,just as God said heaven and earth will pass away but His word will not pass away. From the viewpoint of the Bible, this study has proceeded from Genesis of the Old Testament to the Pauline epistles of the New Testament, book by book, to examine arguments of the major pros proposed on Research Report on Homosexuality published by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and writings by Derrick Sherwin Bailey, John Boswell, Wahshan Chou, and the like. Following the development of the chronicle, the analysis of the clear ethic stance of the Bible toward homosexuality has been made with special attention to the following passages, Genesis 1:26~28, 2:20~25 and 19:1~11; Leviticus 18: and 20:13; Romans 1:26~27; Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10. At the same time, efforts have been made to explain the points from the Bible and properly interpret them. Besides, this study has gone through researches with a opposing position, such as Thomas E. Schmidt and Richard B. Hays, to deeply realize the correlations between time and culture backgrounds.


homosexuality ethics


海斯(Hays, Richard B.),《基督教新約倫理學》,白陳毓華譯(台北:校園,2011)。
Bailey, Derrick, Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, London: Archou Books, 1955.


李佩璇(2012)。基督徒諮商員在同志諮商 信仰與諮商專業之觀點與實踐〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315270540
