  • 學位論文


The construction of a feedback digital content annotation system in the cloud computing environment

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


摘要 傳統的數位學習,僅由學習者單向獲取資訊,在學習中發生困難或問題時,常無法即時獲得解決,導致學習效果不彰,學習意願也跟著低落。現今因資訊技術的進步,而發展出互動式的回饋式數位教材註記系統,其擺脫了傳統使用瀏覽器的束縛,整合數位教材與學習互動功能於微件,學習者可透過討論與資訊註記分享彼此所學,並且即時互動進行資訊交流,學習不再是單向,學習者可以提出問題,動態獲得各方學習資源,使學習效果更好,增加其學習意願。然而隨著使用者的增長,當系統大量被使用時,系統負荷提高,易使得系統效能低落,甚至造成系統服務緩慢或是服務中斷,將導致系統利用率降低。因此本研究利用雲端計算環境之建構,將學習系統運行於雲端計算環境,以期系統資源可彈性增加節點擴充效能,當系統服務量擴增時,只需擴充節點以增加可整合資源,無需修改應用程式。 本研究採用開放原始碼之雲端計算套件OpenNebula建構私有雲環境,並將回饋式數位教材註記系統建置於此環境中,進行系統效能測試,以探討回饋式數位教材註記系統建置於雲端計算環境之效益。研究顯示,回饋式數位教材註記系統建置於雲端計算環境,資源可獲得彈性配置與靈活擴充,使系統效能提升,並解決傳統數位學習系統常因多媒體串流等影音資料處理過載而導致系統不穩定的問題,增加系統可用性,提高系統整體效益。


Abstract The main drawback of traditional e-learning is user only could receive the knowledge one-way but not get feedback immediately when he has any questions. That normally comes out with bad learning performance and let user abandons this learning method. Basing on the improvement of technology, the new interactive feedback digital content annotation system was developed to solve browser constraint problem and integrate teaching, learning and interactive features together in widget. User could discuss issue and share information with each other, have a better learning effect and increase his learning willingness. However, the system may not afford the increasing amount of user, which could easily make system slow down even out of service. So the main purpose of this study is constructing an e-learning cloud computing circumstance which system resources can be adjusted with the elasticity of demand, also add nodes to expand the integration resource without modifying the application when system service amount extended. This study uses open source cloud computing suite OpenNebula to construct a private cloud environment which feedback digital content annotation system was installed. The system would have system performance test to realize the benefit of feedback digital content annotation system in the cloud computing environment. The study shows that feedback digital content annotation system which built on the cloud computing environment could have more resource configuration and expand flexibility, also could improve system performance, and solve the issue of traditional e-learning system for multimedia data processing overload that lead to system instability, increase system availability, improve overall system efficiency.


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