  • 學位論文


Financial Data Protection under Fraud Prevention--Centered around the Fraud Alert Information of Deposit Account

指導教授 : 徐偉群


警示帳戶資料利用是為了金融詐欺預防所設立的一種資料交換制度。這個資料交換制度規範基礎在銀行法45之2條第2項與第3項以及金管會根據其授權制定的存款帳戶管理辦法,藉由「財團法人金融聯合徵信中心」(下稱聯徵中心)的通報系統輔助運作。 就現況看來,警示帳戶資料利用制度使警示帳戶所有人處於被動的受制地位。問題是,這些限制是否符合法治國原則中重要的法律保留原則、比例原則與正當程序原則?聯徵中心完備的資訊系統在協助政府作為犯罪防制最佳利器的同時,能否防護人民應有的權益,使免受不當利用之害? 本文參考書籍、期刊論文、報紙、研究報告、國際法與美國公平信用報告法,經由文獻分析、比較研究等方法,對警示帳戶相關議題之規範函令、實務,基於筆者與內政部警政署165反詐騙諮詢專線之合作經驗,在金融詐欺犯罪防制與人民個人資料保護之間重新求取平衡。最後,將提出我國警示帳戶法制未來興革建議。


The use of the fraud alert information of deposit account is a kind of credit information exchanging mechanism, set on financial fraud prevention. This mechanism is based upon Article 45-2, Paragraph 2, of the Banking Act, and Regulations Governing Bank Handling of Accounts with Suspicious or Unusual Transactions promulgated pursuant to Article 45-2, Paragraph 3, of the Banking Act. As to the information exchanging, it is operated by automation system of Joint Credit Information Center ("JCIC"). According to the current situation, this mechanism operates against those deposit account holders, and set them in a restrict position. The question is, do those restrictions meet the principle of law reservation, the principle of proportionality and the due process of law? Moreover, whether if the efficient system of JCIC can also prevent the rights and interests of people from improper use of information when it plays the role as a valuable crime prevention tool of the government? This thesis is aim to balance the conflict between financial fraud prevention and data protection inside the mechanism through literature analysis, comparative study and the writer’s work experience with anti-fraud helpline 165 of National Police Agency. The reference materials such as books, periodical materials, papers, research reports, OECD 「1980 Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Trans-Border Flows of Personal Data」, FATF「40+9 Recommendations」and the Fair Credit Reporting Act , (15 U.S.C. § 1681) are included. Finally, the last part of this thesis draws the conclusions about the framework of legal protection for the mechanism.


