  • 學位論文


The Effect of Impulsivity and Anger on Binge Eating Behavior in Female College Students

指導教授 : 黃君瑜


摘要 研究目的:當代飲食疾患盛行率日漸攀升,年輕女性是暴食症的高危險群。過去研究指出,暴食行為會受到情緒變項和人格特質的影響,也受到兩者交互作用的共同影響,其中憤怒和衝動性格對暴食發展有獨特的重要性,此外,衝動性會調節憤怒與暴食行為之間的關係。本研究使用Spielberger(1988)提出的狀態-特質憤怒理論和憤怒表達,區分不同的憤怒層面,以及採取Whiteside & Lynam(2001)提出的UPPS模式,作為衝動性的建構,探討憤怒、衝動性、以及兩者之交互作用對暴食行為的影響,並進一步釐清哪一個憤怒層面對暴食的影響會受到衝動性調節,以及是否受到衝動性中的迫切特質所調節。 研究方法:本研究採橫斷式研究設計,以中原大學女性為研究對象,透過團體施測方式收集資料,填寫問卷包含人口統計資料以及三份量表:狀態-特質憤怒表達量表、UPPS衝動行為量表和中文版暴食問卷。統計方法採用皮爾森積差相關分析與階層迴歸分析,以檢驗本研究假設。 研究結果:1.特質憤怒和憤怒內抑可以個別預測暴食行為。2.衝動性中的迫切特質可個別預測暴食行為。3.衝動性是憤怒與暴食行為之間的調節變項,其中憤怒內抑對暴食行為的影響受到衝動性調節,而狀態憤怒對暴食行為的影響受到迫切特質所調節。本研究結果指出特質憤怒、憤怒內抑和迫切特質,即易怒、情緒不穩定、處於憤怒狀態時易經驗強烈衝動之人格傾向,是暴食行為的重要因子。特別是在高衝動性之下,憤怒內抑對暴食行為的影響會更加惡化。 討論:了解目前台灣大學女性的暴食情形,延續過去實徵研究結果,釐清不同憤怒層面、衝動特質和兩者之交互作用對暴食行為的影響。用於臨床實務上,應首先從憤怒內抑的層面介入,並強調衝動性中「迫切」特質會驅策暴食發生。未來研究可再進一步探討其他重要的情緒變項和人格特質對暴食行為的影響,以釐清暴食的心理病理機制。


Abstract Objective: There is an increasing trend in the prevalence of eating disorders in modern society, and young female are at high risk of bulimia nervosa. The present study discussed binge eating behavior is influenced by emotional variables, personality and also interaction of both emotion and personality, anger and impulsivity has its specific significance in the development of binge eating behavior; moreover, the relationship between anger and binge eating behavior is moderated by impulsivity. This study use trait-state anger theory and anger expression(Spielberger, 1988) as different aspect of anger, as well as UPPS model(Whiteside & Lynam, 2001) as impulsivity constructs, to explore the influence of anger, impulsivity, as well as interaction of both anger and impulsivity on binge eating behavior, furthermore, to clarify which aspect of anger impact on binge eating, will be moderated by impulsivity, in addition, to clarify whether the relationship between anger and binge eating is moderated by urgent of impulsivity. Method: This study used cross sectional design, the subjects were female undergraduate students at Chung Yuan Christian University, all subjects individually completed the measures in small group sessions, including three self-report questionnaires: State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory(STAXI), UPPS impulsive behavior scale and Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh(BITE), as well as demographic details. Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and a series of hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to examine the conceptual association of this study. Results: 1. Further, coping style played a moderating role in the relationship between negative life event and depression or subjective well-being. Specifically, stress-exacerbation effects of avoidance/emotional coping on depression and stress-buffering effects of cognitive reappraisal/problem-solving coping on subjective well-being were found. 1.Trait anger and expression of anger in significantly predicted binge eating behavior separately. 2.Urgent of impulsivity predicted binge eating behavior significantly. 3. Impulsivity played a moderating role in the relationship between anger and binge eating behavior. Furthermore, the relationships between anger in and binge eating behavior is moderated by impulsivity, besides, the relationship between state anger and binge eating behavior is moderated by urgent. Results is suggested that trait anger, anger in, and urgency, the “tendency to irritability, emotionally unstable, anger suppression, affective dysregulation, and frequently experience strong impulses under conditions of negative affect” were the significant risk factors for binge eating behavior. Specifically, high degree of impulsivity worsen the impact of anger in on binge eating, Discussion: Understanding the incidence of binge eating behavior among young female population in Taiwanese, furthermore, to extend previous empirical research, clarifying the impact of different aspect of anger, four dimensions of impulsivity, as well as the interaction of both anger and impulsivity on binge eating. In clinical practices, when treating for binge eating behavior, specific focus on aspect of anger in, and also emphasis on urgency ,which forced binge eating behavior. There is a need for further research to explore other important emotional variables and personality traits, which influence on binge eating behavior, in order to clarify psychopathological mechanisms of bulimia nervosa.


吳其炘、廖士程、李宇宙(2005)。衝動的精神病理學。台灣精神醫學,19 卷,1期,19-32。
