  • 學位論文


The Reliability and Validity of Computerized Basic Number Concept Test for Young Children

指導教授 : 鄭淑芬 曾淑賢


本研究之目的是檢驗幼兒基礎數概念電腦測驗的信效度。此套測驗的形式是融入全方位學習設計的概念,並採課程本位測量編製測驗的原理而編製的。研究的待答問題包括:「幼兒基礎數概念電腦測驗」之複本信度為何?及「幼兒基礎數概念電腦測驗」之效標關聯效度及構念效度為何? 主要的研究方法為:取樣新竹縣市公私立五所幼兒園共103位幼兒作為研究對象。每位幼兒接受難度相同但內容不同的幼兒基礎數概念電腦測驗三次,此外,每位幼童另接受許惠欣於1996所譯,Ginsburg與Baroody合編的「幼兒數學能力測驗」。並請幼教老師填寫教師評分表做為另一項效標。 研究的結果包括:入小一組的「幼兒基礎數概念電腦測驗」之複本信度係數介於.75~.86之間;大班組則是介於.84至.90之間,皆達統計上的顯著水準,具備良好的信度。至於與幼兒數學能力測驗的效標關聯效度的結果是:入小一組的效標關聯效度係數介於.58至.65之間;大班組則介於.56至.69之間。與教師評分的效標關聯效度的結果則是:入小一組的效標關聯效度係數介於.57至.72之間;大班組則介於.56至.64之間。以上效標關聯效度的結果均達統計上的顯著水準,具備還不錯的效度證據。此外,不同年齡組別在「幼兒基礎數概念電腦測驗」的得分有顯著差異,顯示本測驗能有效區分不同年齡的族群。 最後,根據研究結果提出研究結論,並說明研究限制,此外,針對實際施行層面及未來研究提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of computerized basic number concept test for young children. This test adopted the test development of curriculum-based measurement (CBM) as well as the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The research questions are as follows: 1) What is the alternate-form reliability for the computerized basic number concept test for young children? 2) What is the criterion-related validity for the computerized basic number concept test for young children? 3) What is the construct validity for the computerized basic number concept test for young children? The main study methods: The participants were 103 kindergarteners from five kindergartens in Hsinchu county and Hsinchu city. Each participant completed three alternate forms of the computerized basic number concept test and the Test of Early Mathematics Ability (TEMA-2). The kindergarten teachers were asked to rate children’s math ability based on their math performance. The findings of the study included: For the group where the children were about to enter the elementary school, the alternate-form reliability coefficient of the computerized basic number concept test ranged from .75 to .86; whereas, for the group where the children were in kindergarten, the alternate-form reliability coefficient were from .84 to .90. The criterion-related validity coefficient with TEMA-2 ranged from .58 to .65 for the group where the children were about to enter the elementary school; whereas, that for the group where the children were in kindergarten were from .56 to .69. The criterion-related validity coefficient with teacher ratings ranged from .57 to .72 for the group where the children were about to enter the elementary school; whereas, that for the group where the children were in kindergarten were from .56 to .64. In addition, the computerized basic number concept test effectively identified different aged groups. Finally, the conclusion, limitation, and implications are discussed.


CBM UDL number concept


