  • 學位論文


The Study of Professional Baseball Club Localization-Take the Lamigo Monkeys Team as an Example

指導教授 : 王如鈺


在國內眾多球類運動中,棒球運動是人氣最高且歷史最久的,並深受各年齡層所喜愛的運動。目前,中華職業棒球大聯盟(Chinese Professional Baseball League , CPBL)是台灣棒球運動迷聚焦最多的賽事,其中以Lamigo桃猿隊為實行在地化經營第一人,其球迷數、後援會眾多,而職業運動的發展需要球迷來捧場,球隊又非常仰賴球迷的支持與認同,且在球賽中,球迷是球賽最重要的精神象徵。另外,球迷的支持與認同不僅可以帶動職業運動的發展,也連帶週邊相關產品的熱賣。 本研究利用SPSS之迴歸分析來驗證球隊吸引力、球隊忠誠度與熱迷行為之間關聯性,並以「桃猿隊迷」為研究對象,研究發現:當消費者對球隊吸引力知覺愈高,則對該球隊忠誠度愈高;當消費者之球隊忠誠度愈高,則熱迷行為愈強烈;當消費者對對球隊吸引力知覺愈高,則熱迷行為愈強烈;而在地化經營也具有相同的驗證結果。從實證中發現,桃猿隊迷在球隊吸引力中以球隊特質最為顯著,而其中免費票券會造成負向影響,代表著對於桃猿隊迷而言,免費票券的產生或出現會帶來心理上的負面觀感,而降低其對於球隊的忠誠度;在熱迷行為表現上,免費票券的產生或出現則會使桃猿迷負向迴避程度降低,顯示桃猿迷會對此負面觀感之行為,傳播出負面的訊息,表示桃猿迷具有倫理道德之正義感。 此外,研究中球隊忠誠度在桃猿隊迷的球隊吸引力與熱迷行為之間具有部分中介效果;同樣也在桃猿隊迷的在地化經營與熱迷行為之間具有部分中介效果。因此,桃猿隊應提高熱迷之球隊忠誠度,使其熱迷自發性替品牌或商品擔任宣傳與代言之角色,來增加口碑推薦行為以及購買商品數量,進而培養出新的忠誠顧客。另外,也證明了在地化經營可以提高熱迷之球隊忠誠度。


About all of the ball games, baseball is not only the most popular and longest history sports in Taiwan but also love is loved by each people. Nowadays, CPBL has the most baseball fans Taiwanese, and Lamigo Monkeys is the first team which starts to localization. Besides, it also has larger spectators and great number of fan clubs. The development of professional sports needs fans to endorse. Furthermore, the team needs fans’ support and recognition as the fans were their most important spiritual symbol in every game. Besides that, the support and recognition of fans could also raise the sales of the team’s peripheral products. The study applied the SPSS regression to verify the relationship among team attraction, brand loyalty and fans behavior, and the Lamigo Monkeys Fans as the research target. The result show as followed: The higher consumer perceived of team attraction, the higher brand loyalty is; the higher consumer brand loyalty would result stronger fans behavior ; the higher consumer perceived of team attraction, the stronger fans behavior is, and localization also has the same result with team attraction. The result discover free tickets will bring negative effect, which means it will make bad impression or let Lamigo Monkeys Fans feel bad, and it also would reduce their loyalty of Lamigo Monkeys. Free tickets also bring negative effect to bad information avoiding, which means Lamigo Monkeys Fans have sense of justice and also send the bad information to other if they know. In addition, the result also found the brand loyalty acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between team attraction and fans behavior. Therefore, it is important to increase brand loyalty, so that consumers would volunteer to recommend others and willing to increase word-of-mouth and purchasing more, thereby to develop more new loyal customers. Furthermore, the study also proves localization can increase Fans brand loyalty.


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