  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Legacy Information System Re-engineering

指導教授 : 劉士豪


為了在詭譎多變的環境中取得優勢,企業組織更加依賴資訊系統進行各種決策與分析,在企業規模不斷擴展的同時,各種資訊系統也逐漸滲透至企業內部的各個角落,與企業本身形成緊密的相依關係。隨著組織對資訊需求的快速變化,曾經立下汗馬功勞的資訊系統,卻開始跟不上企業的資訊需求,進而拖累組織的腳步。「舊有資訊系統再造」(Legacy Information System Re-engineering)議題於是成為企業組織不得不面對的挑戰。利用熟悉的軟體開發框架,以及多年累積的程式碼半成品作為輔助,將其投入資訊系統的開發過程,無非是希望有效提升開發速度,增加對專案時程的掌握度,進一步避免開發過程可能出現的未知風險。對於開發團隊而言是一條相對安全的道路,也正因如此,開發者往往本能的將舊有的開發手法運用於系統設計階段,期能師法過去的成功經驗,確保專案的成功。系統設計是系統開發生命週期(System Development Life Cycle, SDLC)的重要環節,此階段將定義系統實作的細節。本研究認為,在「舊有資訊系統再造」專案的系統設計階段,依循舊有的開發經驗,採取「風險規避」的策略可能導致專案離既定目標越來越遠,試圖對成功經驗進行「複製」的結果,反而更容易適得其反,導致專案失敗。本研究認為,針對「舊有系統再造」專案,聚焦於系統設計階段,專案團隊應將追求以下三項原則,而非試圖「複製」從前的成功經驗,以確保專案目標的達成: 1. 在設計階段初期的高度抽象化 2. 不與特定開發框架綁定 3. 打破開發慣例,避免過度設計


In this modern world, IS (Information System) has been considered as an very important instrument for enterprises, the capability of processing “Information” become a critical asset, not just how well to process information, but how fast its own IS can react and keep up to the rapidly change of Information Technology. Enterprises become increasingly rely on IS, not only for decisions making but daily works as well. As time goes by, IS which can no longer satisfy enterprise needs become a LIS (Legacy Information System), difficult to maintain and lack of efficiency, former ‘rock star’ now become a burden. Re-engineering could be a solution to ‘reinvent’ LIS to a new one, more suitable one to re-engage enterprise needs, by using ‘reverse engineering’ technic to regain abstract requirements spec, follows with ‘forward engineering’ to redesign the spec, LIS get a chance to back in the game. But here comes the dark side, developers trend to apply familiar technic or particular framework and follow experiences guiding (experiences leaded old IS to the ‘rock star’) to the LIS re-engineering project, to speed up the progress and avoid unknown risk. This reach indicated applying this ‘risk-avoiding pattern’ to LIS re-engineering project, especially in System Design phase of System Development Life Cycle (define all implementation details), may jeopardize the project result due to by doing this is actually unconsciously making a ‘duplicate’ of old IS, very easy to overlook and would be too late to fix when developers become aware of. Following three concepts should be pursued for a successful LIS re-engineering project. 1. Abstraction of System Design initialization. 2. Loose coupling with particular framework. 3. Boldly let go experiences guiding


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