  • 學位論文

連鎖咖啡產業之創業模式分析 ─以85度C與丹堤為例

An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Pattern on the Franchised Coffee Industry: Example on 85 degree C Coffee and Dante Coffee

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


在景氣一片低迷的環境中,越來越多人不再想要領那微薄的薪水或受人頤指氣使,而想要自行創業、自己當老闆。絕大部分的第一次創業者會將餐飲服務業作為他們創業的首選。而咖啡飲料業也成為創業者的創業首要選擇之一。 本研究目的在了解連鎖咖啡產業創業加盟者在經營管理時之相關事項,採質性研究之個案分析法,針對台灣市面上兩大咖啡連鎖產業加盟者進行比較與分析。 本研究找出連鎖咖啡產業之創業模式,主要分析欲在該產業立足是受到創業者的個人特質,創業動機背景,以及所遭遇到的問題與經營模式等三方面的影響。一般創業者在創業過程中多會因個人特質而影響其創業成功的機會,資源與團隊的掌控,並在遭遇到問題時可看出其個人特質與背景而產生出不同的經營問題與理念。所以,創業者可以根據自己的個人特質與喜好來選定適合自己興趣和能力的產業來創業,才能通過問題之解決和市場之考驗而使其所創之業在上述因素環環相扣相輔相成中才能達到目標。


Currently the economy is in a slump situation, with fewer jobs available for young people on the market, thus, more and more people want to start their own business to earn a living. Among them , most entrepreneurs will choose food and beverage service sections as their first choice. It seems that the coffee beverage industry has also become booming and stands as the first choice of the potential bosses. This study hopes to understand the franchise coffee industry entrepreneurs to join in the operation and management of the relevant issues. And we used qualitative case study and analysis of the two branches of the coffee franchise industry in the Taiwan market. This study analyzes the entrepreneurial patterns in the coffee franchise industry which are mainly influenced by the entrepreneurs’ personal traits and motivation, team work also influence their opportunities .through complete resource control, problem solving, market test and team work management the potential bosses may achieve their goals.


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