  • 學位論文


High-End Components of Product Positioning Strategy – A Case Study of A Corporation

指導教授 : 曲祉寧


長久以來,台灣的製造業,特別是電子業,面臨來自開發中國家的後進廠商競爭,雖然許多技術先進的代工廠商不斷開發新產品或是提升現有產品的品質或性價比來強化對品牌廠商的服務以爭取訂單,不過,到底品質必須提高到多高的層次?在何種條件下提升代工產品或元件的品質是代工廠合宜的企業發展道路?以及,應該選擇哪種產品或品牌大廠做為積極爭取的代工對象?而欲提高或保持代工產品或代工元件的品質亦或是功能的定位時,應該進行何種策略佈局,以上等等的問題,都是台灣以代工為主要營收來源的公司,在維繫企業生存與成長時最重要的問題。 本研究以A公司為例,透過個案研究法分析做出以下結論:(一)A公司利用高品質零件捆綁策略改變相對價格及產品定位,再加上規模經濟的優勢,成功從電信標案中獲取利潤。(二)電信商運用相對價格的行銷方法來影響消費者的購買認知,在相對價格變低的情況下,消費者產生物超所值的購買經驗。(三)電信商想方設法不斷提出創新的服務模式;除電信本身業務外,藉由不同的服務捆綁,提供消費者一次購足的加值服務,以提昇營運整體獲利。(四)對使用者來說,給予相同品質的監控器,功能越多越願意付高價;找尋以及確認顧客所需的真實功能來加以捆綁,是影響監視器產品能否受歡迎的直接激勵因素。


Over the years, Taiwan's manufacturing industry, especially electronics industry suffered from competitive in developing countries, although many technologically advanced manufacturers continue to develop new products or improve existing products to enhance the quality or cost of services for brands for orders, but in the end how high quality must be raised to the level? What’s the right way to enhance the quality of OEM products or components? Should choose which product or brand manufacturers as actively seeking foundry object? Those who wish to improve or maintain the OEM quality products or OEM components or functions are positioned, what strategy should be performed layout, etc. These problems are Taiwan's manufacturer as the main source of revenue of the company, maintain business survival and growth of the most important issues. This thesis makes the following conclusions through case study analysis method: (I) A Company using high quality parts bundling strategy to change relative prices and product positioning, coupled with the advantages of economies of scale, successfully got profit from the telecom bid. (II) Telecommunication providers use the relative-price marketing methods to influence consumers' purchase awareness. At a lower relative price, consumers will have a purchasing experience of well worth it value. (III) Telecom vendors constantly trying to come up with innovative service model. For example, by different service bundles except Telecom's own business, to provide consumers with one-stop shopping for value-added services to enhance the overall operating profit. (IV) Given the same quality base, users are willing to pay more for those monitors with more features. The direct factor to influence popularity of a monitor product is to find and confirm the real function that customer desires.


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