  • 學位論文


The Study of Network Security in Smart Grid Communication System

指導教授 : 賴裕昆


隨著智慧電網的發展,資通訊技術與網路安全是智慧電網未來發展的重要關鍵。在智慧電網中需要透過許多不同的應用程式來監控電網的穩定性以及各家用戶使用電力的資料,透過通訊網路中的智慧電表將資料回傳給電廠,再依此資訊的採集、傳輸、處理與互動等方向,闡述智慧電網的資訊安全問題。 並提出智慧電網透過公共資訊架構Common Information Model (CIM)之網路傳輸的安全性漏洞及安全威脅,預想分散式阻斷服務攻擊Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)條件下的安全性事故場景。簡要從網路和應用兩個層面等方面提出加強智慧電網資訊安全的具體建議。並以資安角度證明系統監控與資料擷取Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)網路安全測試平臺發展之必要性,以期即時彌補網路安全的缺失和漏洞,降低受攻擊的風險,及減少資安的損失,希望藉此提高智慧電網更安全的運作。


With the development of Smart Grid, the information communication technique and network security are the keys to its future. In Smart Grid application, lots of different application programs are used to monitor the stability of the grid and the power usage data in every household. Those data will then be transmitted back to power plant through network communication facility. In this study, we will demonstrate the security issue in the information gathering, transmitting, handling and interacting. Moreover, we will point out the vulnerabilities and threats in smart grid based on the common information model(CIM). In addition, we will provide specific advises to enhance information security from the network and application point of view based on the safety failure scenario in the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. As a result, we will prove the necessity of development for the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) in the sake of the information security and compensate the real-time network security and vulnerability issue to reduce the risk of attacks and the loss of information. There by we hope to enhance the security of Smart-Grid system.


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