  • 學位論文


Fire -Evacuation Time at a High-Technology Factory in Jhongli Industrial Park

指導教授 : 謝明燁 曹拯元


大多數科技廠房內堆置易燃液體及物品,倘若沒確實實施防火及用電管理,再加上廠房內部裝修材料複雜,一旦廠房之建築物發生火災,容易產生悶燒之情形,勢必因避難時間問題而造成重大傷亡,基於上述原因,本研究是以「建築物防火避難安全性能驗證技術手冊」的理論公式代入各參數而計算出之值,檢討避難通道之避難時間之值與煙層下降時間之值相互比較分析(暫時不將排煙量列入計算),比較分析後,將判定危險之區域,推算出合理之排煙量,可作為日後設計之準則依據。 本研究是以中壢工業區某科技廠房的避難時間與煙層下降時間為主要研究對象,探討其避難通道之安全性,針對其研究結果,提出改善對策。主要研究目的為:檢核本研究案例避難逃生時間及煙層下降時間之值,並推算出合乎安全規定之排煙量。主要研究方法為文獻回顧、現況調查與避難時間計算、火災避難改善對策,主要研究結果整理如下: 1. 本研究案例不符合建築物防火避難安全性能驗證之標準。 2. 本研究案例影響避難動線之安全性之主要原因為煙層下降時間快速,應加強排煙設備之排煙量、延緩煙層下降時間、防煙垂壁應與水平避難動線平行設置。 3. 本研究案例的垂直避難動線有三支避難逃生梯可以直接避難至戶外,但這三支避難逃生梯皆屬於室內避難逃生梯,而影響避難動線之安全性主要原因為煙,為防止煙影響避難之安全性,應增設兩支以上之戶外避難逃生梯,可疏導室內避難人員,降低煙害。 4. 本研究案例避難改善對策主要是以增加各避難區域的機械排煙設備來達成,各空間的排煙建議標準如表4-1所示。若不考慮施工之成本,只參考施工之速率,設備手法將比構造手法更降低廠房之生產的損失。 5. 一旦實際避難逃生動線距離大於圖面直線距離,勢必影響避難之安全性,可採用性能式法規的設備手法,將煙層下降時間延長或加速排煙,使避難時間低於煙層下降時間,營造出安全避難之空間。 6. 本研究案例經性能式法規檢討後,將投入更多的資金改善排煙設備的排煙量;相對的,其科技廠房經條例式法規檢討後,只需調整內部格局、避難動線、避難淨寬度及淨高度等等避難空間格局,假設災後損失是相同的,並無重大災害的前提下,條例式法規比性能式法規更省建造成本。


Numerous tech plants are stocked with flammable liquids and objects, but do not conduct fire and power management checks routinely. Further considering that the materials used for the interiors of such plants are complex, building fires may result in smoldering, and the lack of evacuation time may lead to considerable casualties. Therefore, this study incorporated various parameters from the theoretical formulas in the Technical Manual of Safety Performance Verification for Building Fire Evacuation to determine the appropriate values for evacuation time, evacuation channels, and the descending time of smoke layers. The obtained values were compared and analyzed (the smoke emission level was excluded from the calculation). Thus, the dangerous areas and the acceptable smoke emission level were determined, which can be used as fire evacuation safety standards when designing facilities. This study targeted a tech plant at Jhongli Industrial Park and examined evacuation channel safety by using the evacuation time and smoke layer descending time. Measures for improvement were proposed based on the research results. The objective of this study was to examine the evacuation time and smoke layer descending time in the tech plant and to calculate the smoke emission level that meets safety regulations. The research methods adopted in this study included literature review, current-status survey, evacuation time calculation, and the suggesting of countermeasures for improving fire evacuation procedures. The research results of this study were as follows: 1. The investigated tech plant failed to meet the safety performance verification standards for building fire evacuation. 2. The determining factor in the safety of evacuation routes in this study was the rapid falling of smoke layers. Smoke ventilation systems should be enhanced to increase the volume of ventilated smoke and delay the falling of smoke layers, and smoke-proof pendant walls should be installed in parallel to horizontal evacuation routes. 3. In the investigated tech plant, the vertical evacuation route was equipped with three emergency ladders providing direct access to the outdoors. However, the ladders were indoor emergency ladders. Because the main factor influencing the safety of evacuation routes was smoke, to reduce the negative effects of smoke on evacuation safety, at least two additional outdoor emergency ladders should be installed to evacuate indoor evacuees and reduce the hazard from smoke. 4. Augmenting current mechanical smoke ventilation systems is the primary strategy proposed for improving evacuation safety in the tech plant. The proposed smoke ventilation standards for each space are presented in Table 4-1. Disregarding construction costs and only taking construction speed into consideration, instrumental methods were more effective in reducing factory production loss than construction methods were. 5. Evacuation safety was inevitably affected when the actual distance of an evacuation route was longer than the route’s linear distance on the plan. In this circumstance, performance-based instrumental methods could be employed to delay the falling of smoke layers or accelerate smoke ventilation, rendering evacuation time shorter than the time smoke layers took to fall and creating opportunities for safe evacuation. 6. Following the review of the case tech plant in light of performance-based regulations, the investment of more funds is warranted to improve ventilation systems and increase the volume of ventilated smoke. The tech plant, after being reviewed based on prescriptive regulations, only requires adjustments regarding its spatial layout, such as interior layout, evacuation routes, and net evacuation widths and heights. Assuming that post-fire losses are constant, and on the premise that there are no major hazards, prescriptive regulations are more effective in reducing construction costs than performance-based regulations are.


