  • 學位論文


A Study on the Allocation of Burden of Proof in Carriage of Goods by Sea Cases

指導教授 : 崔汴生 郭振恭


海上運輸之過程中,當貨物發生滅失、毀損或交付遲延而產生糾紛進入訴訟程序,運送人之責任及舉證責任分配之認定即相當重要,若無可依循之標準,將使法官於審判中認事用法之標準不同,造成裁判結果之歧異,當事人因而無法預見規範秩序。   我國海商法就海上風險的相關法定責任分配及舉證責任之規範僅有第五十六條:「貨物一經有受領權人受領,推定運送人已依照載貨證券之記載,交清貨物。」、第六十二條運送人適航能力之舉證、第六十三條運送人的貨物照管義務及第六十九條運送人免責事由等,然就舉證責任順序及舉證程度為何,我國海商法僅有上述粗略之規範,並未有進一步詳細之規定。而國際公約則對於舉證責任及舉證順序之分配有較我國詳細之規範,例如1924年海牙及1968年海牙威士比規則、1978年漢堡規則,以及最新的2009年鹿特丹規則。我國海事案件舉證責任之規範,主要係參酌海牙(威士比)規則之精神,於民國八十八年修正後沿用至今,然於現行條文中,對貨損舉證責任分配未有明文,且條文內容或有疏漏,本文就現行條文中舉證責任之三要素(即適航性義務、貨物照管義務及免責事由)整理相關實務見解並予以討論,以突顯出於適用上與解釋上易生爭議。   為使運送人與求償人間舉證責任之分配得以明確,且基於海事案件具有涉外性,不宜與國際公約持續發展之脈動下脫節,故我國海上貨物運送案件之舉證責任分配應在尊重我國既有法律體系及秩序下參酌國際公約,進而塑造出一套適合我國之舉證責任分配之標準。


It’s very important to identify carrier’s obligation and the allocation of the burden of proof, when disputes into the proceeding arose from the goods in case of loss, damage or delay in the carriage of goods by sea. If there is no standard to follow, the judge and parties can’t foresee normative order. There are mainly three articles in maritime law of our country to stipulate the allocation of obligation and the burden of proof. They are the due diligence provision of Article 62, the care of cargo provision of Article 63 and the exculpatory exceptions of Article 69. Compare the International Convention on the allocation of obligation for the burden of proof, such as The Hague Rules, The Visby Rules , The Hamburg Rules and The Rotterdam Rules. Not like the explicit regulations of burden of proof in International Convention, the burden of proof under maritime law of our country is relatively sketchy. This article is focused on obligation of the three elements of proof (i.e. the due diligence provision, the care of cargo provision and the exculpatory exceptions) and compilation of relevant opinions of our court to highlight the controversy. There are foreign-related elements in maritime cases.We should pay attention to the development of the International Conventions(i.e. The Hague Rules , The Visby Rules , The Hamburg Rules and The Rotterdam Rules). To build a standard of the allocation of burden of proof under the existing legal system in our country and the International Conventions to make the obligation of carrier and claimant clear.


