  • 學位論文


The Influence of Advertising Emotion on Attitude Toward the Ad - Using Personality Traits as Moderator Variables

指導教授 : 陳瑾儀


近年社群網站興起,越來越多廣告主會在Facebook、YouTube等平台上投放廣告,這類平台多有推出影像廣告服務,然而目前廣告受眾大多以年齡、性別、居住地等基本資料為依據,至多提供興趣做為廣告商投放廣告之依據,未提供廣告商更多針對性較強之選擇。 有鑑於此,本研究希望透過廣告本身所含有之情緒,輔以人格特質加以探討不同人格特質者對於不同廣告情緒之廣告態度是否會產生差異,本研究以不同廣告情緒下之廣告態度為主軸,並採用內外控人格特質與AB型人格特質,作為人格特質之分類依據,廣告情緒採用「興高采烈、得意洋洋」、「寧靜自得、平靜沉著」、「緊張不安、心煩憂傷」、「哀傷陰鬱、無生氣的」四種。 經歸納整理,本研究發現廣告情緒確實會對於廣告態度產生影響,而人格特質方面,AB型人格特質皆對「哀傷陰鬱、無生氣的」此廣告情緒產生較高的廣告態度,本研究推測,因「哀傷陰鬱、無生氣的」之廣告情緒,與A型人格特質具高攻擊性與競爭意識相反,因此使得A型人格特質族群產生較深刻印象,引起較高之廣告態度;而「哀傷陰鬱、無生氣的」之廣告情緒對於B型人格特質來說,則較相符,因此B型人格特質較為偏好此廣告情緒。 於實務方面,冀望未來可提供廣告主於基本資料外之受眾選擇,使廣告主可根據不同需求藉由拍攝不同廣告情緒搭配不同人格特質來呈現廣告給閱聽者。


In light of the rise of social media website in recent years, many advertising firms started placing video commercials on popular social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube; these sites also offers customized advertising services by using their members as potential customers for these commercials. Currently, these social media pinpoint their potential targeted audiences by categorizing their members in age, gender, ethnicity, cultural background, and interests. Beyond these parameters, this research found most websites could not provide other advanced and more personal targeting elements as additional effective targeting tools. Based on such finding, this research intended to identify the potential of employing key personality trait indicators as an enhanced audience targeting tool in order for advertising services offer even much accurate results in searching for ideal target audience. In this research, the researcher studied the influence of personality traits on audiences’ emotional reactions to commercial clips. By analyzing the differences in each surveyed subjects’ personality traits and their emotional responses to each commercial, this research hypothesized that personality traits do act as a decisive element on creating emotional response to different commercials even when all commercials have their originally intended emotional messages. This research divided the intended emotions for each commercial clip into following four categories: “Excited ebullient and Elated happy”, “Serene contented and Placid calm”, “Tense jittery and Upset distressed”, and “Sad gloomy and Tired lethargic” and recorded surveyed subjects’ responses from watching these clips. As result, the results showed personality traits did affect surveyed subjects’ response to the commercials. For example, while subjects with Type A personality responded commercials embedded with “Sad gloomy and Tired lethargic” message mostly with negative emotional response, subjects with Type B personality traits had the opposite result and responded well to such commercials. This research hence hypothesized due to Type A personality’s elements of aggressiveness and competitiveness, these subjects responded poorly; on the other hand, since Type B personality has emotional elements associated to the intended emotional messages, they responded well to the commercials. This research hopes with the results of this study, advertisers in the future can devise tools targeting personality traits to improve the accuracy of video advertisements and create more suitable contents for their targeted audiences.


