  • 學位論文


The Influence of Customer Participation on Satisfaction from Micro-foundation of Transaction-cost Perspective-The Moderating Role of Service Type and Customer Product Knowledge

指導教授 : 呂鴻德 張光正


顧客參與產品的創造、生產與傳遞是一個價值創造的過程,但是過去的研究,對於顧客參與及滿意度的關係仍然有不一致的結論。因此,本研究利用交易成本理論的微觀基礎,對消費市場的顧客參與進行研究。研究進行的推論為顧客參與能夠降低有限理性的限制、減少消費者與企業之間的資訊不對稱,故能產生滿意度。 本研究以台灣某科技大學的大學進修部及碩士在職專班學生為研究對象,經由兩個不同的實驗進行資料蒐集,用以分析服務業的顧客參與及滿意度之間的關係,並且進一步探討顧客產品知識,以及服務類型這兩種與有限理性相關的情境因素,對於顧客參與及滿意度關係的影響。 對於文獻中顧客參與及滿意度關係結論的分歧現象,本研究從不同的理論重新進行詮釋與分析。研究結果發現: 1.顧客參與能提高消費者對產品及企業的滿意度; 2.顧客產品知識與服務類型會對顧客參與及消費者滿意度的關係產生調節效果。 換言之,當顧客具有高產品知識,或是信任品的顧客參與,產品滿意度以及企業滿意度都會受到強化。這個研究結果說明了顧客參與確實能增加滿意度,但是滿意度的增加效果則與影響消費個人有限理性限制的情境因素有關。


Customer participates in product development, production along with its transmission is considered as a series of value produced and added process. However, the inconsistence of conclusions about the study of the relationship between the customer participation and satisfaction do exist. According to the theory of micro-foundation of Transaction-cost, this research suggests information asymmetry between consumers and enterprise could be reduced by customer participation. The data of this research were collected from the undergraduate students of the extensional education division and some graduate students of the EMBA program from a university of science and technology in Taiwan. Two separate experiments were executed for analyzing the inter relationship between the customer participation and satisfaction in the consumer market of service industry, furthermore, two contextual factors of bounded rationality- customers’ product knowledge and participating in service type which may influence customer participation and satisfaction also have been discussed. Revealed by the various literatures, owing to the divergent comments and critics about the relationship between customer participation and satisfaction, the writer tries to re-analyze and re-interpret them from the aspects of the different theories. The findings are summarized as below: 1. Customer participation will improve satisfaction on product and the enterprise as well. 2. Customers’ product knowledge along with service type will moderate the relationship between customer participation and satisfaction. In other words, once consumers have accumulated more solid knowledge about products or purchased credence goods, then customer participation will be more active and particularly the reinforcement of customer satisfaction for both product and the enterprise occur in the meantime. The findings of this research have proved that degree of customer satisfaction will be affected and ascended through participation. However, the degree of satisfaction increase are related and conditioned with the bounded rationality.


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