  • 學位論文

以台灣子公司員工之觀點探討日本式管理之控制機制 --以T株式會社為例

A Case Study on the Japanese Controlling Mechanism from the Perspective of Taiwanese Employee - T Company as an Example

指導教授 : 丁姵元


中文摘要 本研究中的T株式會社在電子元件市場中,享有高知名度與影響力的電感製造廠商。為了因應國際經濟環境的變化與開拓新市場,T株式會社在四十多年前開始在海外設立子公司。創立海外子公司初期,各子公司為T社帶來龐大的利益,但隨著經濟環境變化,T社近年來面臨各式各樣的挑戰下,不僅獲利狀況下滑,部分商品甚至已被競爭者超越,其下子公司之競爭力不若以往。由於T社的利益來自於各子公司,在競爭激烈的環境中,如何有效的管控子公司,使其恢復原有的競爭力,成為T社在經營上最大的議題。 本研究主要的目是藉由訪談的方式,透過質性研究的方法來審視T社各個現象背後的意義與審視問題的本質。透過T株式會社台灣子公司員工之觀點,來分析探討T株式會社控制機制所面臨的問題與挑戰。藉由問題的探討來找出相關的問題點,以提供給相關人員參考,希望能對T株式會社或其他日商,甚至有類似背景的台商有所貢獻。 資料分析的結果發現,T社內部控管層面可分成母公司對子公司的控制、日籍幹部對子公司之控制及子公司對子公司內部的控制等三個層面。T社為了有效的控制子公司,利用對子公司營業活動、營業目標與作業系統來進行控制。另外在各子公司派駐日籍幹部,讓T社的政策能更有效的被執行。在高壓的控制機制下,子公司幾乎沒有自主性。研究發現,由於T社的對於子公司的控制採取一致性的管理,將相同的系統、規定全部套用在所有各個子公司,然而因各子公司的特性不同,管理制度沒有因子公司的狀況有所調整下,使得子公司無法發揮其專長,導致競爭優勢流失。從母公司對子公司的控制到日籍幹部對子公司的控制,研究發現其管理制度有越來越多的趨勢,加上日本的民族文化,使得控制制度出現了”延續性”與”堆疊性”,若T社如果能適度簡化其控制流程與針對各子公司的特性加以調整管控方式,對於T社的競爭力將有顯著的幫助。


Abstract T Company, a Japanese enterprise and the subject in this research, was used to be a well-known and outstanding manufacturer in the electronic component market. Specifically, “inductor” was the component that T Company played a key role in the industry. Foreseeing the drastic international economic change, T Company established oversea companies forty years ago to explore foreign market and such strategy was quite successful and indeed brought the mother company a great fortune, mainly contributed by her foreign offspring. Nevertheless, T Company, including oversea companies, had experienced sever challenges from all aspects in recent years and profit slumped. Some products were even outplayed by its competitors. Under such circumstances, how to well managed its oversea companies and regain the glory have become T Company’s top priority. A full-scale check on T Company attributes in order to have in-depth understanding of conditions and probably the root causes to its problems was conducted via interview and qualitative research methods. With the input of those employees involved in the daily operation in the Taiwanese company, we identified different operation check points and analyzed the consequences and challenge they had faced. It is expected in this research to pinpoint the difficulties and root causes to the problems within the internal identity and come up with the insight for international enterprises that fit the spectrum. The analysis showed that there were three phases we’d see how the mother company controlled her offspring. T Company decided operation models, business goals and communication/operation network for her offspring and station Japanese mangers in the oversea company for supervision. With such arrangement, the offshore companies have totally lost its identity in term of decision making. The research showed that T Company had applied the same principle and guideline in controlling her oversea offspring without exception, regardless the differences among different identities and the environment they were operating within. Therefore, the offspring failed the mechanism for environment adaptability and started losing competitiveness as consequences. The mother influences were even amplified under both top management and stationed managers involved in the daily operation. The control system can sense in these oversea companies the Japanese culture in terms of power extension and bureaucracy from the mother. The study showed clearly that T Company should be able to regain her competitiveness back substantially if the status quo in the controlled system was fine tuned properly to be simpler and individualized.


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