  • 學位論文


Network effects in economic experiments

指導教授 : 楊奕農


本文主要去想了解當商品具有網路外部性時,市場為相容均衡與不相容均衡之下受試者的決策行為,而本文供給受試者購買的網路外部性商品,為現今最夯的智慧型手機。在此文中主要的實驗變因有三種,分別為有無資訊、實驗進行順序、以及實驗為相容均衡或不相容均衡,文中是以Farrell. J.和G. Saloner (1985)的模型設定為基礎,模型是先假設市場上存在兩種不同規格的商品,分別以商品A和商品B來表示,以及存在兩種不同型態的購買者,分別以型態A和型態B來表示,型態A的購買者表示為喜歡商品A勝過商品B,型態B的購買者為喜歡商品B勝過商品A。而每位購買者的效用取決於該商品的購買人數,隨著購買人數的增加,網路外部性的效果就會更加強烈,因此也會提高使用者的效用。 因此本文想要藉此三個實驗變因來進行實驗,觀察此三個變因是否會改變原先理論的結果。


This paper seeks to understand the decision behavior of respondents when the markets are in compatible equilibrium or in incompatible equilibrium when a product exhibits network externalities. The product with network externalities in question is smartphones, the most popular product these days. This paper defines three variables, namely the presence of information, the sequencing of the experiment, and compatible/incompatible equilibrium of the experiment. This paper refers to the model developed by Farrell and Saloner (1985) as the basis. It is assumed there are two products with different specifications in the marketplace, Product A and Product B, and there are two types of buyers, Type A and Type B. Type A prefers Product A to Product B, whereas Type B prefers Product B to Product A. The utility to each buyer depends on the number of people who purchase the same product. The larger the number of purchasers, the greater the network externalities and the higher the user’s utility. This paper intends to experiment with the three variables and observe whether they will overrule existing theoretic conclusions.


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