  • 學位論文


Development of a peripheral blood pressure monitor device for measuring vascular stiffness

指導教授 : 胡威志


動脈硬化是指血管壁硬化或血管內發生阻塞,在台灣有將近30%的死亡與血管硬化有關,血管硬化會導致像腦中風或心肌梗塞並威脅國人的生命。近年來盛行高脂肪與低纖維的飲食,且國人缺乏運動,許多年輕人的血管已經開始硬化阻塞了。先前研究顯示血管硬化程度可以利用評估動脈順應性當作一項有力且獨立的預測指標,而臨床上目前大多是利用侵入式之量測法評估動脈順應性,為了將評估血管硬化之便利性普及至國人,非侵入式評估血管硬化程度已成為趨勢。本研究探討非侵入式量測動脈順應性評估動脈順應性之演算法是以非直線函數之指數型壓力─體積關係與Windkessel model為理論基礎,利用非侵入式示波振幅法(Oscillation)血壓波形中舒張末期之衰減常數及血管阻抗(R)即能估算動脈順應性,評估其關係於示波振幅法中最適合用來推算動脈順應性之最佳參考點。結果顯示利用變異度於14位健康受測者之示波振幅法血壓訊號中找出於舒張壓區段最為穩定且最適用於推算動脈順應性,其舒張期之動脈順應性與孫以容等學者提出之方法所估算之動脈順應性結果呈高相關(評估上臂動脈血壓波型及連續搏動容積紀錄相關係數為0.759) 由以上結果得知,利用非侵入式示波振幅法之衰減常數可用來估算動脈順應性、評估血管硬化程度。


In Taiwan, there is about 30% cause of death related to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis may lead to cerebral vascular accident or myocardial infarction to hurt people’s life. Previous studies showed that arterial compliance(C) was a predictive factor for assessing the level of atherosclerosis. In order to assess arterial compliance with convenient measurement in daily life, noninvasive measurement will become a trend in the future. The compliance derived from non-invasive blood pressure waveform (Oscillation) was estimated by the decay constant of diastolic blood pressure waveform and the resistant (R) of artery and found out the best reference point in oscillometric method for calculating the arterial compliance.14 healthy people participated in this study and found out the most stable and most suitable segment from diastolic period to estimate the aerterial compliance. This result means that using the decay constant and the resistance with non-invasive Oscillation in diastolic period could be used to estimate the total arterial compliance and assessed the level of atherosclerosis.


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