  • 學位論文

成屋買賣爭議之民事責任 ---以中古屋買賣為中心---

The civil cases in dispute of housing transaction ---Focuse on the second-hand house---

指導教授 : 姚志明


摘 要 我個人從事房屋仲介工作十餘載。剛入此行時,憑藉著我的努力和意志及良好的形象和談吐,讓我初出茅廬時,就讓我在房屋仲介業,創下不錯的業績和名聲。十餘年來,客戶對我的肯定及我對房地產投資的掌握能力與日俱增,讓我樂此不疲的,以從事房仲業為我的終身職志。在反思過去辛苦的成交歷程中,除了些許的安慰外,亦有些許的幽傷。 於從事房屋仲業之前,我曾在電腦公司擔任電腦設計工程師工作二十餘載。相較之下,房屋仲介業,給人的印象不佳,社會地位不高,尤其是普遍缺乏正確的法律素養;因為掌握不對等的資訊,加上從業人員素質不整齊,在利益誘惑之下,仲介從業人員,常常讓買賣雙方失其利益。對於當事人間的權利義務或標的物間之瑕疵擔保歸屬,亦無從認知。 政府亦體認到,買賣不動產是人民的一件大事,房屋買賣移轉及瑕疵擔保責任除了適用民法一般規定外,政府亦特別立法通過不動產經紀業管理條例及買賣契約上得記載及不得記載之要求規定事項,以供從業人員及消費者遵守依循之用。相較以前,人民對於買賣房屋,其資訊的取得更充足方便,對於買賣條件及權益之保障,要求更高。政府實施不動產實價登錄之後,民眾取得房地行情資料更容易。身為房屋仲介從業人員,已漸漸喪失保有資料不對等的優勢,因此更需要致力提升自己的法學素養,客戶只願意將他的買賣案件委託給學有專精的專業人士,只靠一張嘴就能通行在仲介業的時代已過去了,這對人民及房屋仲介業而言,不締是一件好事。 近年來,因為房地產交易的熱絡,房地產的交易糾紛頻傳,尤其是成屋買賣,因為專業知識的不足,或交易資訊的不對等,或在締約過程中就部份項目未明確約定,致所交付之房屋未符合期待,加上買賣雙方對於法律上有關成屋買賣契約及其瑕疵擔保責任之相關規定認知不一,足常生糾紛及迭興爭訟。 為了了解成屋買賣過程之瑕疵,依我個人長期從事及經營房屋仲介工作實務經驗,絡舉其曾發生且具有代表性的買賣糾紛實際案例作為材料,依事實依據,以法律的角度,考量分析其適用之法條規定,參酌法律學者之見解論述,再佐以法院相關案例對此類瑕疵之判決,將執業時,常見的成屋買賣瑕疵種類,分別列舉出其案例,嘗試做比較分析論斷,以為成屋買賣瑕疵爭議發生時,買賣雙方遵循之參考依據。並盼能增長成屋買賣之法律常識,而減少買賣糾紛的發生。 目前台灣的不動產仲介業,普遍存在有下列為人詬病之缺失: 1.仲介公司從業人員缺乏不動產相關之法律規定及專業知識,只擅長案件成交,缺乏客戶的同理心。 2.不動產仲介公司從業人員,素質良莠不齊;不動產經紀人(需經考選部普考及格)及營業員(不需通過考選部的考試),兩者的專業能力不同但皆執行相同的工作,客戶付兩者同樣 的服務費。 3.低於行情的物件,仲介公司會優先買下,再轉賣給其他買方,沒有顧慮到賣方的權益。 對於未來仲介業的期待: 1.嚴禁不動產仲介經紀人員既代理出賣人又代理買受人之委託,應由兩方各自的代理人協商,以合於市場行情的售價為基礎,找到適合的買賣雙方,並在法律的保障下,買受人辦妥產權移轉及抵押貸款手續;出賣人收到買賣價金。 2.嚴禁受委託人,以低於市場價格,趁機購買委託人的房子。 3.受委託人因執行業務,致委託人受有損害,應立法從嚴處罰。 為能有系統,一系列的學習與不動產仲介相關之財經法律知識,包含買賣契約條款之法律規定,房屋瑕疵之法條適用及其責任歸屬問題,故毅然的報考及攻讀中原大學財經法律系碩士專班,尤其加強選修與自己所從事行業相關之民法系列課程,目標是希望藉由熟稔法律條文來解釋我歷年來在房屋仲介工作上所遇到之瑕疵糾紛案例,打開我心中的疑惑和不解,並且瞭解專家學者對於該事件之法律規定及效果為何;甚至參考各級法院的判決判例對該事件的見解,使得買賣雙方,對於各自權益及責任歸屬,能經由我的專業解說,和法律評析,而減少糾紛及訴訟事件的發生,甚至防範不法事件發生之於未然。 本論文研究內容最主要區分為四部分。第一部分,專論買賣契約與成屋買賣的概述,此乃民法債各之領域;第二部分探討買賣雙方債務不履行之法律效果;第三部分係探討買賣雙方債務不履行之法律效果。第四部分,就成屋買賣糾紛案例之法律規定做評論分析。 關鍵字:成屋買賣、瑕疵擔保、買賣契約、損害賠償、給付、違約、拍賣


ABSTACT I have engaged myself as an agent of a real estate and got involved in the business for many years now. In the beginning of my carrier,I established pretty well reputation and business achievements by means of efforts and willpower as well as excellence in image and refined in speech. Going through in the past few years,I was delighted to the real estate business and career knowing I am a well-versed individual in property investment; and my clients could attest to my accomplishments. To self-examined the history in conclusion to the transaction,there is comfort yet somewhat sorrowful moment. Real estate brokers are much worse off from the social position and reputation. In this case, they are normally lack general capacity and disposition in law; and they even command unequal information in real estate knowledge. Beyond the attempt on interest, the broker often forfeits the rights and duties between two parties. They are not even familiar toward the obligation to which the bond of defects is under. Government units have realized that housing transaction is a huge issue for people ,therefore, the transfer of property rights and the obligation under bond of defects in the latter are suitable for the use of regulation of the civil law. The government, especially, legislate the statute of the Real Estate Management Act for the purpose of its employees’ reference and execute their professional work as part of the standard procedures for the clients to comply. However, people have easier ways to obtain the data and information in buying property and the request on the gurantee for the rights or interests of people is much stronger. After the government issued the policy of the real estate transaction database website, people acquire market price of the houses conveniently, in effect, the real estate employees would lapse the advantage of possessing the information. The brokers need to devote themselves to advance their capacity with the law in particular. Hence, the clients are only willing to entrust their cases to the persons who work professionally, and seeing that, it is a good thing for the people and the industry itself. Because of the affluent status of the real estate business, the transactions of dispute occured due to the lack of professional knowledge and unequal trading of information or several items are uncertain in concluding a treaty. So the expectation of which houses being hand over was not met. Furthermore, two parties of selling and buying have different perceptions about the law regulation of housing contract and the obligation under bond of defects,therefore, the disputes and litigations often take place. To give details on realizing the defects in housing transaction process and according to my work experience of being engaged in managing the real estate business for a long time, I have enumerated some disputed cases which had followed by a representative. Base on facts and the law perception, firstly, consider and analyse the suitable Regulation of Act; secondly, refer to the law which scholars’ had expounded; thirdly, add related sentences in the court of housing defects; fourthly, to illustrate the case which defects in housing transaction separately,or lastly, try to do comparative and analysis for the foundation and reference when the buy and sell parties dispute occur in housing transaction. Hopefully it will increase common sense of law and reduce the cases occurred in housing transaction process. For shooting the doubt and puzzle in mind and understanding the point of view of a specialist and a scholar about the case dispute,I am studying finance and law at Chung Yuan Christian University for the purpose of familiarization about the law article to solve the problems which I encountered when I entered the business. I even refer to the judges and legal precedents in different levels court,thus it reduces the case occured in the lawsuit between two parties of buyer and seller by means of my professional exposition and legal analysis and for making the person clear in charge of the responsibility in taking action at early stages to keep illegal events from succeeding. There are four sections in this essay. The first part will discuss about the concepts of housing transaction; second will clarify the obligation under bonds of defects in housing transaction; third will expound the legal effects about debt nonperformance; and last will discuss about the law regulations and comments of housing transaction dispute cases. Key Words: commercial contract、damages、break contract、real estate


